1270 Avenue of the Americas
“Tanto, per te conta solo il tuo egoismo. Il tuo solo scopo è di convincere gli altri che vuoi loro tanto bene, e che hanno il dovere di volerti bene anche loro, ma che devono farlo alle tue condizioni. E' un gioco che deve essere giocato secondo le tue regole.”
[Jedediah Leland, a Charles Foster Kane]
"Io ho allattato, e conosco
com'è tenero amare il bimbo che mi succhia.
Ma mentre mi guardava sorridente
avrei strappato il capezzolo dalle gengive nude
e avrei fatto schizzare quel cervello
if I had sworn, as you have sworn
. "
[Lady Macbeth, Macbeth]
" Zeus, but because they have sent men, that they have transplanted under the sunlight, this insidious plague women? "
[Euripides, Hippolytus ]
While God and his son were discussing, Doppiovubi imagine an alternate ending to 'Snow White' (in the Disney version).
Almost everyone knows that Snow White enters the life of the Dwarves and breaks Consolidated balance (Doppiovubi decided not to be vulgar, it was just about to write "seriously breaks my balls", then opted to reduce the concept, although it was very true concept and adequate, and his blog was always elegant and polite, though not moralistic, and never would contain expressions such as trivial).
Ordunque, SW breaks a balance. The dirty cups are stacked, it is true. The cobwebs are everywhere, it's true. The dust rule, it is true. Yet the elderly are
Nanetti: while this will mean something. They have always lived without SW, and live quite well. Go to work, and sing. Pickaxe, and sing. They come home and sing. They seem happy, and, in fact, they are. Then she comes
First leaves everything we say, 'okay'. It does not do directly, gives orders to the animals of the forest. Meanwhile, she sings. E ' true: every time you see a broom in hand, but basically working animals.
you give orders. The
Nanetti, completely unaware, go home happy and singing. As always, with pickaxes on their shoulders. Regain their microcosm, where everything works. Where we have the principle of freedom. Freedom.
SW lying in wait for them. The impact is traumatic.
begins the deception. Six out of seven fall into the trap feminine. Everything seems
be improved. The cups are clean. The dust is gone. The cobwebs are gone (even the balance of spiders - animals, of course, quite routine - has been seriously disturbed). Grumpy not only falls into the trap. Soon the truth emerges. Want good soup? You must wash your hands. What's more, you're at it, wash it all.
and the sink, out of the house is cold. Yet the Dwarves obey.
tempted to say to the SW, but wash you, you're just back from a flight in the forest: the hunter, on behalf of the Queen, we wanted to stab (and, we add, perhaps the Queen had a point). You fall into a swamp. No doubt you also have smelly armpits (note: the day after SW is dressed in the same way, and it is possible that there is in the cabinets of the seven sheets of suitable size to her). But it is
Nanetti, after working all day in the mine , a doversi lavare con l'acqua ghiacciata.
S.W., ben puzzolente, non è soggetta a regole, se non alle sue proprie. I Nani diventano come figli che devono soltanto obbedire.
E' evidentissimo che i Nani - essendo uomini anziani e perciò più che maturi - sono attratti sessualmente da S.W., la quale biecamente ne approfitta.
Lo stesso Cucciolo - il quale, lungi dall'essere un bambinetto, è una specie di freak , un mostro ritardato - più volte tenta di essere baciato sulla bocca, e lei gli prende le orecchie, gli sposta il crapone e lo bacia invece sulla pelata.
E' chiarissimo che S.W. fa leva sulla sua forza di attrazione erotica.
E ora ha un luogo – la casa che era ownership of the Dwarfs - where it can fully exercise all its powers.
while you sing, and wants her Prince Charming: the Ultimate Slave, what will and will lay at her feet forever, no escape.
The film in fact ends with SW and PA on the white horse - in fact PA has already lost the use of his stallion, fell dall'equino for a form of gallantry, and SW riding exhibition, as he moves sadly walk: The Beginning of the end. Head to the golden castle of him, that horizon.
And they lived happily ever after.
Doppiovubi So imagine alternate endings.
At first he thought the Dwarfs SW throw that out of the house. They do it immediately, just arrived, thanks to the enlightened Grumpy include deception. Get the paperwork in a jiffy. SW back in the woods where he soon died of starvation (the view of the body is spared the children). Or
: PA, after living together for a few weeks before the planned wedding, but fortunately, he realizes that SW is a kind of demented, devoted only to prepare cakes, again with the help of forest animals (note: the birds decorate the trotting over cake, let alone that goodness), and remove dust. He understands very quickly that you can not live next to a woman who spends her time singing and collecting flowers in the woods. PA has a kingdom to run. So he divorces her and humiliate her, she comes back in the woods and die of starvation (see above), after having tried - in vain - to ensnare new Dwarves.
Or, as the pair goes to the golden castle, SW falls from his horse, hitting his head with a crash on a rock (TUD) and died there as well (this is the final Doppiovubi's favorite, because its beauty lies simplicity).
some reason Doppiovubi then wondered why, during his entire life, he did good to those around him (when he had done). A lightning doubt assailed him, an idea - but already hypothetical idea - cutting edge, cruel and absurd. He thought that when he was a child, and very very small child, he understood a principle of cause and effect, a regularity according to which if he had done the good, his mother would have cared, he would loved. Since then, without even realizing it, until adulthood had made 'good deeds' in order to please the Other.
What's more, he loved only to be loved.
drove out the absurd idea with horror.
can not be so, I would be a bad person, he said Doppiovubi. The absurd idea
retired on tiptoe, looked for a spot in the brain of Doppiovubi, un posticino tranquillo, difficile da trovare, ci si accovacciò e si addormentò beatamente, certa, prima o poi, di essere risvegliata.
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