History of cartoonists, lions and flies ...
inspired by the words Manuela Soriani the friend who commented my previous post . Manuela is an excellent designer, a person who has really broken the back to make comics. Time has moved away from our "little ancient world, but I think that sooner or later will find the opportunity to return within, though not necessarily be on his way.
all begins with my comments: "And remember one thing ... something inside you do not want to hear: the good ones really take them away."
Manuela: Not only that, Joseph. They work even those with the right friendships.
Joseph: Perhaps it should be said that even knowing how to cultivate the "just friends" could be considered a merit, if the author is really in question.
M: What young people entering do not think that good will be rewarded.
G: No. We need the talent. Good will help, as it helps to be true professionals.
M: Those who work hard with dedication and end up in the street like everyone else, and without even a "hello".
G: Can I disagree? I, the authors apply "dumped" I see a few. We should put an end to behave like victims. We should be masters of our lives and stop the enemy consider a publisher that publishes. In my last experience, I'm just living these days with the release of "The Secret", I had a very different perception of the matter. Many designers have told me 'no'. Others asked if I had a story and when I said yes, they have changed their minds. Others have addressed the commitment lightly, not respecting the script, the information and documentation. Others, however, have given much more than that I was expecting. And you know the funny thing? Than to "betray" were just the "professionals", while newcomers to the first job were great and humble. Maybe because I still have not figured out how things are? Maybe, but I'm sure a couple of them, including some time working for publishers will be very large, while others will stand still to get by somehow. Forgive me, but what happened to us (and not showing up for friendship) would cut off their legs at all, would kick up a fuss about all the blogs and forums and could end up in court. Instead I'm here with colleagues and value available to tweak the cartoons done poorly and try to save a boat that threatened to sink before the launch.
I'm not blaming anyone.
I understand that certain things can happen and I'm in the game, but from now on I will listen much more sufficiently address the complaints of authors to the "evil publishers". Not always "end up in the middle of the street" are the authors.
M: And very often do not even have time to improve over the years, given the average delivery times that are requested.
G: I disagree again. Look at the drawing is much better anyway. If you stop to "grow" is only our fault. I understand and I've been there, that if there is to pay a mortgage we are forced to "trot" with the deliveries, but did not have the doctor prescribed.
You make choices.
Some prefer to wait for the "train good" and maybe one day goes by, others, like myself, do any work to go forward because otherwise "you have to do some serious work and abandon their dreams."
M: This further damages them, because when they try to offer can be found elsewhere portfolios with lean and mean low quality.
G: So, if you want to make a "quantum leap", or better, if you want to try to do so, we take three months, knowing that they will earn one euro, and you work at a decent portfolio. Now you see that if the portfolios are poor is the fault of publishers who publish there.
M: Ci sono davvero un sacco di buoni motivi per non fare fumetto.
G: Su questo sono profondamente d'accordo. Non facciamolo. Facciamo altro! Io è una vita che voglio darmi all'imbiancatura. Se domani mi chiuderanno tutte le porte in faccia, farò altro, e non è detto che continui a disegnare o scrivere. Cambiare è sempre fonte di crescita.
M: E solo chi osserva dalla distanza, avendo cambiato settore, può capire quanto questo mercato sia ristretto e limitato.
G: Anche dall'interno appare ristretto, ma sono le dinamiche umane che ci fregano.
I fumettisti sono persone che riflettono nel lavoro la loro personalità. Se un autore ha una crisi lo si vede nel lavoro che ago. The cartoonist is not protected, no pension, no disease, is often paid very little, is exploited, is harassed, but it is free. Also free not to deliver the story had taken a commitment to 40 days from going to press. Free to change jobs and free to do anything else. The rules are wrong and often are not there? Anything else, change the field is the only thing to do. If a place does not satisfy me I can leave or try to change it from within. The Kurdish
know the legend of the fly and a lion?
"One day the fly to find himself placed on the belly of a lion, he decided to become a friend and tried to do this to attract the attention of the king of beasts. Failing in the company approached the ear of the lion inviting him to make a pact of friendship, but the king did not consider the proposal, derided the fly and drove in the wrong way. The latter meditated revenge and slipped down to the nostrils of the Lion cause serious problems to the point of forcing him to write a series of musate on a rock so he ends with a bloody nose because of the presence of the fly, the lion slowly went mad and jumped off a cliff and died. Just a moment before the fly came from the nostrils to ask again to the lion if he wanted to make peace and forge a friendship. "
(Thanks for telling me told Francesco Matteuzzi)
Capita metaphor?
M: And how much damage the potential of art.
G: But we are artists or artisans? I bet on the latter definition, although I see many small artisans acting as "artists", but in the negative sense of the word: meteorosensitivity, non-professional, botched, lacking prima donnas etc. We miss that devastate the hotel rooms, then we'll get it. Then
"Max" takes place:
agree with the good Manuela Soriani. The rest have the same feelings that I feel reading the things that come out on newsstands
G: A beautiful cat chasing its tail. It 's always the fault of the cat. Perhaps the situation is such because readers diminish visibly, or readers decrease because products are approximate and no professionalism and love? Again, no doctor prescribes buy comics.
Thanks to Manuel and Max for their valuable assistance.
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