Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Skates For Toddlers In Toronto

Preview "The Black Swan factor" auto da fe, and Di Bernardo Last tango in Florence

Giuseppe Di Bernardo gets up and looks into the eyes of jury.

"Mr. Judge, I plead guilty. You see, it's all my fault ... "
" Wait a minute, Mr. Di Bernardo, we summarize what happened to the gentlemen of the court. What happened? "
" There ... I am the writer and the editor of a new comic book series from Star Comics due out in late March. is titled 'The Secret' and talk about topics that I'm passionate always, as ufology, the conspiracy and alien abduction. "
"These passions not argue in its favor, you know?"
"Yes, I understand, sir, but let me explain ... Telling this story, for me, it was not a job. I would have done for free. I would do it free, like most things I write. At the end of me enough money to pay the bills and, occasionally, to take out to dinner that wonderful creature that lives next to me. I've never talked about how delicious is my girl? "
" Okay. "
" Yes, Your Honor. "
" Go ahead, Di Bernardo. "
" Well, the first of August I gave the script to Michela Da Sacco , the talented designer Padua who had accompanied me in three episodes of 'The Watcher'. A friend, an author of great talent, which would have guaranteed a start 'with a bang' to the series so much I wanted to ... "
" Would? "
" Yes, because January 5, 2011, forty days after the release of the first number, Michael called me 'not to work' and explaining the important reasons of a personal nature. Thus, it seemed clear that unfortunately there was no chance that ended the wonderful work he was doing. I hope there will be another opportunity, perhaps the most serene, to work together. The big problem is that he had made only 40 of the 96 tables that had to produce. I found myself having so far realizzare 56 tavole a matita in 40 giorni, mentre tutte le 96 tavole andavano inchiostrate nuovamente per uniformare lo stile. Abbiamo chiesto a molti disegnatori di aiutarci e tanti hanno risposto picche. Non volevano rovinarsi la reputazione disegnando un episodio non al massimo delle loro possibilità. Per la serie: 'stai affogando, ma non ti aiuto perché mi sporco il vestito buono'. Legittimo, ma se l'affogante non affoga, poi magari se la lega al dito. Alla fine, finalmente, due kamikaze, avvezzi alle imprese impossibili hanno accettato di aiutarci...”
“I nomi, per favore.”
Daniele Statella e Fabio Piacentini . Il primo alle matite e il secondo agli inchiostri.”
"So you have solved?"
"'nsomma ... Making all these plates in such a short time and suddenly it is not easy. There are outstanding commitments, personal shit and then this story was really difficult. Difficult as all the stories of 'The Secret', on the other side. It's not a comic mood and mental blowjobs! Here everything is connected and it should work like a clockwork precision. Besides, I am a 'pain in the ass patented'. Unfortunately for my authors, are also a designer and I insist that the design is beautiful, correct and accurate narrative. Are then intervened to help Benjamin Del Vecchio, Jacopo and slave Jenny Brandi. They worked to fix the shadows le tavole, e senza di loro questo episodio non avrebbe visto la luce. Io stesso sto personalmente facendo ancora delle correzioni.”
“Ma scusi, Di Bernardo, perché non avete rinviato l'uscita?”
“Non era possibile per precise pianificazioni editoriali. Cose a cui i disegnatori, chini sul loro tavolino, non pensano mai. 'Posso slittare la consegna di qualche giorno?' Mi dicono. No! Ci sono contratti da rispettare con i distributori e un sacco di beghe burocratiche. Là fuori, nel mondo reale, non nel Matrix del fumetto, la gente va in tribunale e paga penali. E in tribunale ho rischiato di finirci anch'io come responsabile di questa testata. Per questo mi dichiaro colpevole. Voglio il massimo della pena. Io Michael realized that I had to check a sufficient number of boards per month. I do not trust the assurances I needed and the various 'recover'. The head of a publication must be ruthless. It is his project and that a publisher invests so much money. My friends, each launch of new titles are thousands of euro invested. Figures five zeros. Need professional, as well as a contract or an appointment letter for you. It also serves to protect a publisher, starting the processing of the product in advance. "
" In conclusion? "
" The book is finished on time. I hope the reader will appreciate, however, despite the vicissitudes that accompanied it. For the next albums not happen. They are all very towards implementing. Rosario Raho, Walter Throne, Massimiliano Fabrizio Bergamo and Gallicchio are doing a great job and, at least them on time. "

Log in court and Giuseppe Di Bernardo lowers his head waiting for the verdict.

"In the name of the sovereign people of the readers of comics, this court considers Giuseppe Di Bernardo ..."


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