Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dental Insurance Elimination Period

The cavalcade of the Magi (Part One) on The Secret

NOT Happy birthday!

Today I make a gift, he published a story based on the book I wrote a couple of years ago to the editor Marco Del Bucchi.
The gift I'm doing it for you?
If you read something of mine, to me, make me a present. Have done so. I hope that the publisher I do not skinned alive for what I'm doing, but in all honesty, is not read a book if he dies. And I do not want the novel devoted to Desdemona ends in the cemetery of forgotten books.
It's my way of answering those who say that insomnia no longer of interest to anyone . The also were saying in '95, idiot. She will have all buried.
This is only the first part. The others will arrive in coming days.

Speaking of stories, we mark the second part of "On the seat next to me" by Marisa The Zito. The found at Setteperuno . Congratulations, scattered ponds and hearts to the health of those who protest against this public outpouring.
About ... Marisa as the protagonist of this story.
Ah! Cases of life.

The story released today, revolves around the fresco by Benozzo Gozzoli which can be seen in the Chapel of the Magi in Palazzo Medici Riccardi. The beautiful fresco, however, discover a secret that keeps coming to the end of the story.

A of the Magi (Part One)
Adapted from "The Long Night of The Sleepless"

Di Bernardo Giuseppe Di Marco publisher of Bucchi

Do not tell me you sleep, friends, listeners night owls. Desdemona has for you another story, a story that begins with a chance encounter in a world that has nothing to chance. There are the invisible threads that bind us and pulling us toward each other. If some thread shows us the way, the more we are losing, if one takes us out of the labyrinth of the Minotaur, another We choked up to kill us.

I met Marisa at the bar of the House of the student, the new building that is home to many young faculty members at Florence.

I do not live there, but because I was immersed in public relations along with the usual pre-Christmas cazzeggiano Friends peers, always committed to do anything but study, when a timid little voice that came from my shoulder stopped me in the midst of a dissertation on what the consumer had distorted the true meaning of a party, which in fact was also of pagan origin.

I turned, and behind of me was a girl in awe I asked her if I were insomnia, the voice that kept her awake at night telling wild stories from the coffers of his little radio.

"Yes," I replied. "Insomnia like me can not bear to sleep and the other must always find interesting topics to keep them awake." It was my standard reply, but it always works.

I listened for some time, he said, at least since she came from Gargano to study at the Academy of Florence. He recognized my voice and tried to greet me was to overcome her natural shyness.

Marisa was small, so frail that it seemed to fly away at the first gust of evil wind, his eyes were deep as night, but wonderfully alive like fire. That little piece of art Pugliese sported a basket of hair with ease restless blacks, needlessly kept at bay by a purple elastic.

He thanked me for the company that was doing the night he was carrying out its complicated, but fascinating, extracurricular research. Marisa began to tell who had a passion for "The Ride of the Magi, a fresco by Benozzo Gozzoli, little known by mass tourism, a painting that decorates the Chapel of the Magi in the Palazzo Medici Riccardi e rappresenta il viaggio di re orientali verso Betlemme. Marisa si era messa in testa di scoprire l’identità dei personaggi che formano il corteo al séguito dei magi. Sapeva bene che era consuetudine dell’epoca usare, come modelli per le opere, i personaggi reali che circondavano il pittore. L’esempio piú famoso era certamente La scuola di Atene di Raffaello, dove Michelangelo, Bramante e Leonardo prestano il volto rispettivamente a Eraclito, Euclide e Platone.

Discussione interessante, ma i miei amici, come probabilmente voi in questo momento, stavano già sbadigliando e dimostravano evidenti segni di impazienza. La compagine di fancazzisti si ridestò solo Marisa when he referred to the mystery is kept in the chapel. A mystery that visitors had distracted eye on for centuries, but it had always been hidden because it so obvious.

That delightful little girl called me a few days after transmission, to tell again of his research. For at least two months, regularly crossed the central Via Cavour, and he stopped to watch, entranced, the facade of Palazzo Medici Riccardi. The huge building, now headquarters of the province and major art exhibitions, was designed by Michelozzo the middle of the fifteenth century. It is a square building, hard, built in stone and surrounded molded from the classic Florentine. A treasure chest that holds precious pearls.

Marisa, through the courtyard, walked the stairs and entered the eighteenth century with respectful silence in the Chapel of the Magi, one of the most evocative of the Renaissance, which has kept intact the original atmosphere and charm of decor and furnishings . The chapel, which is composed of two square rooms, one major and one minor, was built in the mid-sixteenth century and with the inlaid marble floor and wooden ceiling carved and painted. For the altar, Filippo Lippi, favorite artist Cosimo the Elder de 'Medici, he painted the Adoration of the Child. What we see today is a copy, the original is preserved in Berlin. Who knows how it's done up there.

Benozzo Gozzoli, a pupil of Fra Angelico, created with meticulous attention to the frescoes covering the walls. They look like colorful tapestries and narrate the journey of the Magi, in the wake of the shepherds and angels adoring awaiting the announcement, all seasoned by the ever-present symbols of the four evangelists.

The research proceeded Marisa sent, even if it was peg away the identity of one of the following pages of the Magi. A child of ten years which just could not give a name. That face the ossessionava tanto da apparirle addirittura familiare.

No, amici nottambuli, non immaginatevi Marisa come una triste studentessa vecchia dentro, come le opere che studiava. Nella sua vita c’era posto anche per la passione. Stava con un ragazzo, Florian, un giovane croato che frequentava la sua stessa università e che divideva con lei interessi e aspirazioni. Era carino, diceva lei; aveva il fascino misterioso degli uomini dell’est, un po’ zingari un po’ intellettuali.

Passò Natale, iniziò un nuovo anno e Marisa mi telefonò ancóra, ma questa volta non volle andare in onda. Fabio la tenne in linea e me la passò the first commercial break. This time the theme was not the mysteries of the frescoes of Florence, but his romance with Florian. That guy was changing before her eyes and she needed advice.

From bad to worse, poor thing, I did not know that the men are a mess. I get along even better with the history of art, and that says it all.

Florian no longer go to college and now he spent all his time in a coffee shop, where they had installed a video poker. It seemed that infernal machine had become the only important thing for him. Sitting on a stool trod hysterically keys on the computer console that responded with seductive lighting, colors, sounds, but almost never with money.

Florian had also stolen money to his girlfriend. Marisa was furious and was about dogs. It was not worth the money, but for the betrayal of trust he had placed in him.

"I started to play" were his words "just to pass the time between an examination of the other."

Marisa appeared an innocent pastime, a little cash to kill the boredom of life, Florian was enough to push a button to enter a virtual casino where each time was lost. It seemed to him a spell, the pleasure of a detour and excited him, the first win, a rush of adrenaline made him happy. An unquenchable desire to win money made him spend more and more. As if some mysterious force compels him to bet, betting and then try again the next day.

The horizon of Florian, the slave of two pairs, three of a kind, and scale, it was restricted to close up the space of a flash video. Fever Pitch had attacked him with making him forget. He had even burned the money to return home to his family during the holiday season.

"What a jerk" I thought, but I had not said Marisa. The men who gamble at the same time make me sick and compassion. They arrive just seconds after the men who raise their hands on women.

However I could not be of much help except to say that a girl as she was entitled to be happy. Florian if he preferred the company of video poker, which left him with his addiction. The world was full of men who have served for attention a little gem like her.

To ease the tension of his research and I asked Marisa recovered instantly smile. He told me that aveva scoperto una cosa che nessuno aveva mai notato: il paggio misterioso che compariva al séguito dei Magi era un personaggio storico noto in tutto il mondo, una vera icona, ma che nessuno aveva mai saputo del suo passaggio nella Firenze rinascimentale.

Marisa mi fece un breve ripasso della storia di quel periodo. Il 2 marzo 1439, si tenne a Firenze il Concilio per favorire il riavvicinamento della Chiesa Ortodossa d’Oriente con quella d’Occidente. Artefice dell’avvenimento era stato Cosimo il Vecchio dei Medici, che con un’abile strategia politica era riuscito a far spostare la sede del Concilio da Ferrara nella sua città. Poco importa se su Firenze stava calando l’ombra della peste, epidemia che fu naturalmente taciuta in favore di enormi vantaggi economici e di potere.

Il tempo passa, ma i potenti continuano a mentire nel nome dei loro sporchi affari.

Ma non divaghiamo. A causa della pressione turca, l’impero romano d’oriente, ma soprattutto la sua favolosa capitale, necessitavano dell’aiuto militare delle potenze occidentali. La cristianità intera era chiamata alla guerra santa contro gli infedeli, e il presupposto per questa crociata unitaria era la riconciliazione della Chiesa Cattolica con quella Ortodossa. A Firenze venne sancita l’unione tra le Chiese d’Oriente e d’Occidente, un patto that does nothing to prevent a few years after the fall of Constantinople. It was thus that the representatives of the East made their triumphant entry in Florence.

The Byzantine emperor John VIII Palaeologus, together with his court, he stayed in the Peruzzi palace in Borgo dei Greci. Just stayed here for the time necessary for the performance of the council, a page of eight years then represented by Benozzo Gozzoli in the wake of the Magi. But who was that child? Why should he be so important and mysterious story? My curiosity was beginning to pinch, what he found so important that tiny girl from Puglia?

La seconda parte sarà online tra pochi giorni.

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