Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Get Boat Off Ground

1270 Avenue of the Americas

“Tanto, per te conta solo il tuo egoismo. Il tuo solo scopo è di convincere gli altri che vuoi loro tanto bene, e che hanno il dovere di volerti bene anche loro, ma che devono farlo alle tue condizioni. E' un gioco che deve essere giocato secondo le tue regole.”
[Jedediah Leland, a Charles Foster Kane]

"Io ho allattato, e conosco
com'è tenero amare il bimbo che mi succhia.
Ma mentre mi guardava sorridente
avrei strappato il capezzolo dalle gengive nude
e avrei fatto schizzare quel cervello
if I had sworn, as you have sworn
. "
[Lady Macbeth, Macbeth]

" Zeus, but because they have sent men, that they have transplanted under the sunlight, this insidious plague women? "
[Euripides, Hippolytus ]

While God and his son were discussing, Doppiovubi imagine an alternate ending to 'Snow White' (in the Disney version).

Almost everyone knows that Snow White enters the life of the Dwarves and breaks Consolidated balance (Doppiovubi decided not to be vulgar, it was just about to write "seriously breaks my balls", then opted to reduce the concept, although it was very true concept and adequate, and his blog was always elegant and polite, though not moralistic, and never would contain expressions such as trivial).
Ordunque, SW breaks a balance. The dirty cups are stacked, it is true. The cobwebs are everywhere, it's true. The dust rule, it is true. Yet the elderly are
Nanetti: while this will mean something. They have always lived without SW, and live quite well. Go to work, and sing. Pickaxe, and sing. They come home and sing. They seem happy, and, in fact, they are. Then she comes
First leaves everything we say, 'okay'. It does not do directly, gives orders to the animals of the forest. Meanwhile, she sings. E ' true: every time you see a broom in hand, but basically working animals.
you give orders. The
Nanetti, completely unaware, go home happy and singing. As always, with pickaxes on their shoulders. Regain their microcosm, where everything works. Where we have the principle of freedom. Freedom.
SW lying in wait for them. The impact is traumatic.
begins the deception. Six out of seven fall into the trap feminine. Everything seems
be improved. The cups are clean. The dust is gone. The cobwebs are gone (even the balance of spiders - animals, of course, quite routine - has been seriously disturbed). Grumpy not only falls into the trap. Soon the truth emerges. Want good soup? You must wash your hands. What's more, you're at it, wash it all.
and the sink, out of the house is cold. Yet the Dwarves obey.
tempted to say to the SW, but wash you, you're just back from a flight in the forest: the hunter, on behalf of the Queen, we wanted to stab (and, we add, perhaps the Queen had a point). You fall into a swamp. No doubt you also have smelly armpits (note: the day after SW is dressed in the same way, and it is possible that there is in the cabinets of the seven sheets of suitable size to her). But it is
Nanetti, after working all day in the mine , a doversi lavare con l'acqua ghiacciata.
S.W., ben puzzolente, non è soggetta a regole, se non alle sue proprie. I Nani diventano come figli che devono soltanto obbedire.
E' evidentissimo che i Nani - essendo uomini anziani e perciò più che maturi - sono attratti sessualmente da S.W., la quale biecamente ne approfitta.
Lo stesso Cucciolo - il quale, lungi dall'essere un bambinetto, è una specie di freak , un mostro ritardato - più volte tenta di essere baciato sulla bocca, e lei gli prende le orecchie, gli sposta il crapone e lo bacia invece sulla pelata.
E' chiarissimo che S.W. fa leva sulla sua forza di attrazione erotica.
E ora ha un luogo – la casa che era ownership of the Dwarfs - where it can fully exercise all its powers.
while you sing, and wants her Prince Charming: the Ultimate Slave, what will and will lay at her feet forever, no escape.
The film in fact ends with SW and PA on the white horse - in fact PA has already lost the use of his stallion, fell dall'equino for a form of gallantry, and SW riding exhibition, as he moves sadly walk: The Beginning of the end. Head to the golden castle of him, that horizon.
And they lived happily ever after.

Doppiovubi So imagine alternate endings.
At first he thought the Dwarfs SW throw that out of the house. They do it immediately, just arrived, thanks to the enlightened Grumpy include deception. Get the paperwork in a jiffy. SW back in the woods where he soon died of starvation (the view of the body is spared the children). Or
: PA, after living together for a few weeks before the planned wedding, but fortunately, he realizes that SW is a kind of demented, devoted only to prepare cakes, again with the help of forest animals (note: the birds decorate the trotting over cake, let alone that goodness), and remove dust. He understands very quickly that you can not live next to a woman who spends her time singing and collecting flowers in the woods. PA has a kingdom to run. So he divorces her and humiliate her, she comes back in the woods and die of starvation (see above), after having tried - in vain - to ensnare new Dwarves.
Or, as the pair goes to the golden castle, SW falls from his horse, hitting his head with a crash on a rock (TUD) and died there as well (this is the final Doppiovubi's favorite, because its beauty lies simplicity).

some reason Doppiovubi then wondered why, during his entire life, he did good to those around him (when he had done). A lightning doubt assailed him, an idea - but already hypothetical idea - cutting edge, cruel and absurd. He thought that when he was a child, and very very small child, he understood a principle of cause and effect, a regularity according to which if he had done the good, his mother would have cared, he would loved. Since then, without even realizing it, until adulthood had made 'good deeds' in order to please the Other.
What's more, he loved only to be loved.

drove out the absurd idea with horror.
can not be so, I would be a bad person, he said Doppiovubi. The absurd idea
retired on tiptoe, looked for a spot in the brain of Doppiovubi, un posticino tranquillo, difficile da trovare, ci si accovacciò e si addormentò beatamente, certa, prima o poi, di essere risvegliata.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Iomega External Hard Drive Not Turning Off

But enough about comics! Beccatevi a tango!
Marisa and I are those on the right ... decency that are rarely graded.

To turn off the soundtrack of the site down the page until the end!

Can You Bleach Converse?

History of cartoonists, lions and flies ...

inspired by the words Manuela Soriani the friend who commented my previous post . Manuela is an excellent designer, a person who has really broken the back to make comics. Time has moved away from our "little ancient world, but I think that sooner or later will find the opportunity to return within, though not necessarily be on his way.

all begins with my comments: "And remember one thing ... something inside you do not want to hear: the good ones really take them away."

Manuela: Not only that, Joseph. They work even those with the right friendships.

Joseph: Perhaps it should be said that even knowing how to cultivate the "just friends" could be considered a merit, if the author is really in question.

M: What young people entering do not think that good will be rewarded.

G: No. We need the talent. Good will help, as it helps to be true professionals.

M: Those who work hard with dedication and end up in the street like everyone else, and without even a "hello".

G: Can I disagree? I, the authors apply "dumped" I see a few. We should put an end to behave like victims. We should be masters of our lives and stop the enemy consider a publisher that publishes. In my last experience, I'm just living these days with the release of "The Secret", I had a very different perception of the matter. Many designers have told me 'no'. Others asked if I had a story and when I said yes, they have changed their minds. Others have addressed the commitment lightly, not respecting the script, the information and documentation. Others, however, have given much more than that I was expecting. And you know the funny thing? Than to "betray" were just the "professionals", while newcomers to the first job were great and humble. Maybe because I still have not figured out how things are? Maybe, but I'm sure a couple of them, including some time working for publishers will be very large, while others will stand still to get by somehow. Forgive me, but what happened to us (and not showing up for friendship) would cut off their legs at all, would kick up a fuss about all the blogs and forums and could end up in court. Instead I'm here with colleagues and value available to tweak the cartoons done poorly and try to save a boat that threatened to sink before the launch.
I'm not blaming anyone.
I understand that certain things can happen and I'm in the game, but from now on I will listen much more sufficiently address the complaints of authors to the "evil publishers". Not always "end up in the middle of the street" are the authors.

M: And very often do not even have time to improve over the years, given the average delivery times that are requested.

G: I disagree again. Look at the drawing is much better anyway. If you stop to "grow" is only our fault. I understand and I've been there, that if there is to pay a mortgage we are forced to "trot" with the deliveries, but did not have the doctor prescribed.
You make choices.
Some prefer to wait for the "train good" and maybe one day goes by, others, like myself, do any work to go forward because otherwise "you have to do some serious work and abandon their dreams."

M: This further damages them, because when they try to offer can be found elsewhere portfolios with lean and mean low quality.

G: So, if you want to make a "quantum leap", or better, if you want to try to do so, we take three months, knowing that they will earn one euro, and you work at a decent portfolio. Now you see that if the portfolios are poor is the fault of publishers who publish there.

M: Ci sono davvero un sacco di buoni motivi per non fare fumetto.

G: Su questo sono profondamente d'accordo. Non facciamolo. Facciamo altro! Io è una vita che voglio darmi all'imbiancatura. Se domani mi chiuderanno tutte le porte in faccia, farò altro, e non è detto che continui a disegnare o scrivere. Cambiare è sempre fonte di crescita.

M: E solo chi osserva dalla distanza, avendo cambiato settore, può capire quanto questo mercato sia ristretto e limitato.

G: Anche dall'interno appare ristretto, ma sono le dinamiche umane che ci fregano.
I fumettisti sono persone che riflettono nel lavoro la loro personalità. Se un autore ha una crisi lo si vede nel lavoro che ago. The cartoonist is not protected, no pension, no disease, is often paid very little, is exploited, is harassed, but it is free. Also free not to deliver the story had taken a commitment to 40 days from going to press. Free to change jobs and free to do anything else. The rules are wrong and often are not there? Anything else, change the field is the only thing to do. If a place does not satisfy me I can leave or try to change it from within. The Kurdish
know the legend of the fly and a lion?

"One day the fly to find himself placed on the belly of a lion, he decided to become a friend and tried to do this to attract the attention of the king of beasts. Failing in the company approached the ear of the lion inviting him to make a pact of friendship, but the king did not consider the proposal, derided the fly and drove in the wrong way. The latter meditated revenge and slipped down to the nostrils of the Lion cause serious problems to the point of forcing him to write a series of musate on a rock so he ends with a bloody nose because of the presence of the fly, the lion slowly went mad and jumped off a cliff and died. Just a moment before the fly came from the nostrils to ask again to the lion if he wanted to make peace and forge a friendship. "
(Thanks for telling me told Francesco Matteuzzi)
Capita metaphor?

M: And how much damage the potential of art.

G: But we are artists or artisans? I bet on the latter definition, although I see many small artisans acting as "artists", but in the negative sense of the word: meteorosensitivity, non-professional, botched, lacking prima donnas etc. We miss that devastate the hotel rooms, then we'll get it. Then

"Max" takes place:
agree with the good Manuela Soriani. The rest have the same feelings that I feel reading the things that come out on newsstands

G: A beautiful cat chasing its tail. It 's always the fault of the cat. Perhaps the situation is such because readers diminish visibly, or readers decrease because products are approximate and no professionalism and love? Again, no doctor prescribes buy comics.

Thanks to Manuel and Max for their valuable assistance.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chargers Suck Printable Image

It 's a tough world ...

Sometimes I constantly receive complaints from cartoonists seeking their first jobs.
These authors write or contact the publishers I work with boards and suggested the test.
Often you receive no response and then write to me for a complaint-intercession.

"XXX I have never answered, but I tried to rewrite anything. What should I do? ... An application on stamped paper?"


"A Lucca mi aveva detto che i miei disegni gli piacevano, gli ho scritto ma non mi ha mai risposto. Puoi fare qualcosa? Puoi darmi la mail dell'Editore?"

Amici miei, sapeste in quanti neppure rispondono a me.

Siete tanti.
Una marea.
Tutti ansiosi di cominciare, ma non c'è posto per tutti.
Viene fatta una selezione, giusta o meno. Rassegnatevi.

Prima di iniziare a lavorare per L'Astorina, Jacopo Brandi e io, abbiamo fatto 40 tavole di prova per Bonelli. Credete che ci abbiano mai risposto ufficialmente?
Ed è comprensibile.

Mettetevelo in testa: se non vi rispondono equivale a "For now we are not interested, thank you."
The author does not just have to keep trying and to insist, with humility and patience.
And remember one thing ... something inside that you do not want to hear: the good ones really take them away.

Coycote Jaw Bone Knives

Among the serious and the humorous ... I'll see you at Mantua

What is happening to us during construction of the first issue of "The Secret" is really shocking.
It 's a secret, more secret Area 51, just to stay on topic.
I can not reveal, but the people involved know it.
I wonder how it was possible to get to this point ...
I think it's the fault of the chemtrails that have burned neurons.
But how the hell have you done to realize it only at the last possible moment?
But where is known programming and self-discipline of cartoonists?
veriotà Tell me ... A sinister organization is threatening you?
are the MIB that you have sparaflesciati?
An alien creature has taken up residence in your body for designers?
We have kidnapped the aliens?
No, unfortunately you have left here.

Anyway ... See you in
Mantovacomics Saturday, February 26 from 24:30 to 11:30 at the Conference Room to talk about "The Secret" and new series Star Comics .

Honestly I would take action unless, but I have been co-opted and coerced. I do not like to talk about a series that has yet to exit. I seem to be a chef that tells customers what will be a succulent dinner. Brings bad luck. Then it happens that you burn the dinner and all go to a pizzeria.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prom Dresses Under Fifty

Cornelius on IPad

I am pleased to announce the culmination of "Cornelius killings author" IPad platform.
Cornelius, created by Carlo Lucarelli, Mauro Smocovich and myself, is the first Italian comic weblog Star Comics to land on the digital readout system. This preference among the many offerings of the publishing house Perugia fills me with pride. We hope that "The Secret" has the same luck.

Maybe now I am enjoying as a scroll saw that Cornelius has been much mocked by the cheek of the Italian comic? Maybe I'm just doing nice gestures from the pundits that forum pointed at him as a mere commercial transaction and even poorly managed? Am I devoting a requiem for those young critics' signorsotuttoio "they wrote articoloni against Cornelius and often were nothing more than aspiring screenwriters prematurely spirits? No, none of this. I take care of my karma and I will not weigh it down. Peace & Love. Smiling always.

I hope that in "The Watcher" suffered the same fate, I have already had three offers and I am considering what to do. Meanwhile, thank you for your interest and I'm going to buy an iPad, which of course I can not even turn on. I am old and as you noted, the older I become more rancorous. Last night I was also to start a riot in a club, and when my girlfriend told me: "But you want to get into fights with the tots' I replied:" Exactly! If they were athletes in the historic Florentine soccer, attacking cabbage trouble ". Elder
envy and, yes, stupid, no.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can Pins And Needles Feeling Disappear


This man is a genius.

How Long Is Bootz From Flavvor Of Loves Weave

You are cursed ...

insomnia A reader wrote to me on Facebook:

"I love "The Sleepless" ! congratulations indeed! H ordered your book (The Long Night of "The Watcher" and the stories of Desdemona Metus Radio Witch) three months ago but has not yet arrived for the event is sold out? wait a reprint? :) "

I remain puzzled and I wonder how it is possible. The exhausted I am. My romanzucolo wrote so hard I am not exhausted at all, in fact, I think there are so many copies to fill a garage. So to answer questions to those who have applied for the volume, and our gentle reader responds:

"the book I ordered for my comics of confidence and I think that the request is then passed to the publisher of Marco Bucchi .. But unfortunately it never arrived, but I do not lose hope:) I count on the fact that soon we will organize the sleepless day in 2011 so I can recover, I hope, the number 0 (FreeBooks) and the numbers 2:03 (Arcadia), which are, alas, unavailable "

The registers and books were printed in large quantities. It is possible that they are not demanding.

I do not understand who the hell is to blame for this debacle.

are editors who do not know sell their products?

are readers who can not find?

distributors are pursuing some kind of sinister purpose?

are the comics that are 300 or 3000, that work badly?

The fact is that all this is incredible and I want the balls of the perpetrator.

talking to you, whoever you are, you put the stick into gear. Whether you are a human being of flesh and blood, or a chain of unfortunate events. Do you know what it takes to make a cartoon? No, fool? One month for the script and at least five designs. Whoever you are, that prevents our series to arrive in bookstores, newsstands, or any other fucking place, make no economic harm, the people who worked for insomnia, or had done so for free or with minimal expenses , you are robbing these authors of their own lives.

Sei un maledetto ladro di esistenza e che il tuo andrologo usi la sabbia e non la vasellina, la prossima volta che lo incontrerai.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Difference Between American Silver Eagle Coin

insomnia and his turbulent life editorial

Trovate qui un post che Andrea Mazzotta, alias Il Faro del Glifo dedica a L'Insonne e alle sue storiche croniche disavventure editoriali.
Mi scrive Andrea: "Se ci pensi bene l'insonne ha attraversato un po' tutte le fasi del fumetto italiano recente resistendo."
Già... D'altra parte non mi piace la frase "mi spezzo ma non mi piego"... piegarsi è utile a resistere a lungo, poi, quando passa il vento, si rialza sempre la testa.
Grazie ad Andrea per lo spazio e l'attenta analysis.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Walk In Clinics In Mississauga In Shoppers Drug


I swear I did not know.
Tonight I was absently looking at the Voyager record of 6 November 2010 and I ran into David, a young cartoonist in digital ...
When I noticed he was wearing the shirt of our Adam Mack I got a damn.
And I thought he had a very original idea.

Free Visitor Letter Church

Everyone are useful and no one is indispensable

I speak to you, my dear fellow cartoonists, because often you do not need an Editor, you need an analyst)
A star too at that drawing board, perhaps you lose your lucidity. The artist lives
small dreams come to life and its tables have a relationship of true love, and love of the soul is governed by irrationality.
now I've seen all kinds. Every human reaction to me has passed under the eyes.

I saw a well-known designer style that changed the day she left him.
What goes with ups and downs like crazy on a sine wave. What
What I'm crying on the phone if I tell him to fix the boards.
What stops designing for ten years after meeting the Editor of Italian bad in the undergrowth. What
paranoid obsessive compulsive disorder. What
paranoid obsessive compulsive disorder. What paranoid
ossessivo compulsivo. Non è un errore di battitura, è che questo è il caso più frequente.
Quello che sa disegnare da Dio ma non sa fare i conti.
Quello che non legge la sceneggiatura è fa i cazzi suoi.
Quello che riscrive la sceneggiatura perché non gli piace. O_o
Quello che pretende il pagamento delle tavole subito anche se è noto che la casa editrice paga a 30 giorni.
Quello che ha le crisi d'ansia e l'ansia la mette a me.
Quello che non lo caga nessuno e quando gli passi il lavoro fa mille storie prendendosi la sua rivincita da prima donna frustrata. Lo dico con affetto.
Quelli che "l'Italia è una merda e all'estero è tutta un'altra storia".
Quelli come me, che when neither the Italian publishers, nor the French were paying me, I sold my childhood toys to the grocery store.

No, not angry.

Every so often, someone like me, one of your own, it must also tell you how things are.
all the bells I hear, those of artist, writer and publisher.
No one is wrong and nobody is right. As in the discussions between boyfriends.

Good cartoonists are the ones who put the soul and therefore they are irreparably victim of emotions.
Now, however, next time, do me the courtesy to use to draw blood and brain for the organization. Dear friends
cartoonists, not always wrong, the publishing house, are not always the big bad wolf in your fairy tale.
you, you were perfect?

Your older brother. Giuseppe Di Bernardo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do You Have To Be Tall To Be A Underwear Model

Concerto comic

Saturday, February 5, will be at Caracol Circolo Arci, via Battichiodi 8 / 10 (off the Via San Francesco) in Pisa.
will perform "The Liars" and I'll live Diabolical designs. Entrance 5 €
reserved arch members. The Pisan
are requested to take action!