Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shrink Polyester And Cotton Jacket

Changes in the galaxy "Future World"

The galaxy of blogs "Future World" is enriched with 18 themed blog in Italian based on the 15 States and 3 international actors provided in the essay "The Future of the World." The items will be covered by the main Italian and international online newspapers that publish articles in Italian, while the personal comments will be confidential to the blog and my main blog http://mikelogulhi.blogspot . com .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Tripod For Canon 400d

Peacefully lying with his hands behind his neck.

(Nota del curatore del blog: sembrano essere passati duecentosedici giorni dall’ultimo post, ma, in realtà, non è trascorso che un fugace istante. Come il lettore tra breve constaterà, alcuni importanti protagonisti del post che segue non appartengono a questo mondo, quindi il concetto di tempo non è applicabile. Almeno, per quanto li riguarda).
Mentre Doppiovubi ritornava a catapulta nella sua cucina, e si chiedeva con notevolissima perplessità – fissando con sguardo da suricato la radio a cubo Brionvega, di colore rossastro sbiadito, che ancora trasmetteva dal canale Rai notizie addomesticate – se, alternativamente, avesse sognato o, peggio, fosse impazzito o, peggio ancora, fosse stato tutto vero, e mentre appunto il disorientato Doppiovubi si chiedeva tutto questo, Gesù – pungolato proprio dalle domande del nostro, diciamo così, eroe - decise di recarsi da suo padre a sottoporgli una questione molto importante.
In effetti, si deve sapere che Gesù, sebbene innanzi ai (comuni) mortali palesasse un’estrema sicurezza di sè, viveva attanagliato da dubbi di ogni sorta in ordine alla sua missione terrena, perché suo padre - ormai era chiaro - gli aveva sempre tenute nascoste parti essenziali of the overall project. Jesus could not tolerate, and even had come to believe that his father never trusted him. Precisely for this reason, when father and son had quarreled bitterly, was when the disciples had asked Jesus when the end times would come and he could hardly hold back the blush that suffused her face, staying faithful to the principle of truth had been forced to respond that only his Father knew, that the disciples were amazed and watched one of them - no names here, that's not really the case - he had even given the elbow to another, and Jesus had noticed this blinking, and hence clumsily pretended not to notice, and the disciple who had winked he realized that Jesus had noticed, in short, a complete disaster, a severe blow to its credibility structured so patiently over many years of preaching, and fortune that none of this was leaked in the written word, if not the dry and cryptic statement of Jesus (ndc: the reader well ask where on earth they come from apocryphal confidential information, which seem to border on blasphemy, the editor of the blog reserves the right to reveal her sources - possibly - in an upcoming post in any case, the sources will be announced at the end of time). As we said, shortly after, the skies, a furious argument broke out this time because his son did not want listen to reason and demanded trust. Father, if you do not trust me, you could also avoid sending men, son, you know I'm slow to anger, but be careful not to take advantage, and so on. Finally he found a compromise: God promised to his son that he would reveal every detail of the plan, but only after his earthly death. Jesus, a little 'naively accepted the transaction and quiet, except to understand, unfortunately too late - but the agreements are respected, especially when one party is omnipotent - that the question that he was anxious and even more pained him, or the 'essential theme of lack of trust of a father to his son, had been completely unresolved.
Ordunque, back to us. The material form of Jesus out of sight, under the sycamore tree, just a little sheep became aware of the phenomenon and fled to a forest stand, and terrified bleating.
Jesus stood before the father so, in the kingdom of heaven.

It was exactly at this point in history that Doppiovubi wondered whether it was right or not to reduce humanity to the holy figures, as if they were gods of Olympus, thus risking the farce. Then he said, the man can not rely only to symbols, that is, understanding tools that are compatible with his material condition and over. Over all, the dialogue was set to happen really - if the occurrence, e quindi di divenire, possiamo parlare in un luogo immutabile ed eterno, se di luogo possiamo parlare dove non esiste materia, se di un dove possiamo parlare - quindi non c'era alcun motivo di modificare quel dialogo: l'avrebbe riportato fedelmente. Così decise Doppiovubi.

Dio se ne stava sdraiato per terra, a pancia in su, con le mani dietro alla nuca a mo' di cuscino (n.d.c.: ovviamente Dio non ha pancia, né mani, né nuca, nel senso che non è materializzato in esse, ma così si mostrò alla nostra vista in quel frangente, questo ormai dovrebbe esservi chiaro).
Teneva gli occhi placidamente socchiusi.
Gesù gli si avvicinò senza fare rumore, ben conoscendo, tuttavia, che suo padre not only knew he was there and that was approaching, but he also knew what had come to ask him, what he would have said that there would be reactions, as reported on the blog would Doppiovubi dialogue, the reaction would have been the Doppiovubi of blog readers - that is the fact that some would not understand and others would have understood, and agreed, but soon forgotten - and all the other consequences until the end of time (as we now know well, unknown to Jesus moment on basis of the pact signed with his irresponsible father). The trouble of having to do with an omniscient being, and their frustration was precisely in this, those feelings of worthlessness and helplessness derivanti dalla predeterminazione di ogni evento. Una volta Dio gli aveva detto, Figliolo – quando andavano d'amore e d'accordo il padre usava il diminutivo – Figliolo, tu comunque, quando parli con me, mantieni sempre la libertà di dirmi quello che vuoi, D'accordo, padre, ma se tu sai già che cosa dirò, che libertà è mai questa, il dialogo è falsato, Sbagli figliolo, io se voglio posso sospendere la mia onniscienza, anche questa prerogativa fa parte della mia onnipotenza, e riservarmi così la sorpresa di scoprire quello che stai per dirmi, Padre, questo significa che esiste un luogo in cui quello che non ho ancora detto esiste già, e infatti tu dici che lo scoprirai semplicemente, e non che sarò I decide on the scope, meaning and consistency, son, there are things that still can not know, Father, you know ... I can not tolerate, Son! Do not forget who you're talking about! In those cases, Jesus planted there, but could not help but think that his father had also expected that specific box, and then also predicted that specific closing argument, and this embittered him even more: he seemed to be taken around. Then the two made peace and everything is as before, at least for a while '(ndc: as the reader will remember from reading the last post, that Jesus rebuked his father, he did it quietly and plenty of others, and this as compared to ordinary mortals, had a particular option, but limited to the essentials in the kingdom of heaven, to God's plan).
Jesus came to his father and waited until he / she perceived the presence (already perceived as always, see above).

Tell me, son.
Father, the first thing I would ask you to suspend your omniscience, as you say from now on.
Son, you know that time is not here, does not even exist in the future, so there is no need for me to suspend my knowledge of what you're going to tell me, because everything has already happened.
Father, if we start it, walk away.
Va bene, figliolo, sospendo la mia conoscenza, parla pure: sei libero di decidere lo svolgersi del nostro colloquio.
Gesù mantenne un certo scetticismo, acuito da quell'ultima precisazione, del tutto inutile e che quindi suonava abbastanza falsa; tenne a bada la propria irritazione e proseguì.

Padre, gli uomini soffrono.
Lo so.
Non solo soffrono, ma altresì sanno di soffrire.
So anche questo.
Padre, alle volte penso che dovremmo dare a loro una spiegazione del perché debbano soffrire.
Dio tacque.
Molti di loro, Padre, pervengono alla conclusione secondo cui la vita non è degna di essere vissuta. Alcuni – Gesù chinò la testa e strinse gli occhi per il Pain - some ... kill themselves.
God nodded.
and do not know, Father, where does evil, those who caused their pain. In some cases they think it is your fault. Other times they think you do not even exist.
God turned his head and looked at the skyline.
Father, you should give them a full explanation, and I can be through.
No, son.
If only they understood the reason ...
No, son.
would be enough to have an explanation for the pain, and perhaps the pain becomes bearable.
No, son.
Jesus sat cross-legged and wept.

God himself sat cross-legged in front of him, and said
However, my son, I can tell you something. It's up to you, then decide how to bring men, and to what extent.
Jesus smiled and listened attentively.
see, my son, it is true, the man suffers. And suffering is not a good thing. Pain is not a good thing. Man, when he suffers, has two paths ahead. The first way is to live with him and bringing him in that pain, becoming in some way accompanied by the pain.
Yes, my father, many men live with the pain: complaining, with oneself and with others, feed on their pain, they do grow.
Exactly, my son, and so transmit it to others. A mother sees her son sorry, can not do not be sad. A father sees his son sorry, can not but be saddened. And here God
stroked his son, and got a tear on the face of God, because he knew the fate of his son.
pain, my son, is thus transmitted, and grows and feeds. So he works, and you know who I mean. And 'his specialty: the growing pain.
I know, father.
Well, men have another way to go. Break this vicious chain of pain and transform pain into love. You can not love your neighbor if you are grieving. It 's impossible. And, if you are grieving, it means that you do not love. This is very important, my son: if you are hurt, you're not loving.
I understand, Father.
The men, if they want to love, must put aside their grief. Otherwise, it will only perpetuate the tears of suffering.
But how can you put aside your pain? How, father?
do not need any effort, son. I made sure that spontaneously and naturally, love erase pain, as the light clears the darkness. E 'enough love. And love, just like pain, is transmitted in accordance with the law of cause and effect.
I understand, Father.
Understand this: If you love your neighbor, if you truly love your neighbor, you can not be unhappy. There are two subjective states are incompatible. How do you plan to send men to these words, affinché le comprendano?
Non so, padre. Forse - mi viene ora quest'idea - cercherò di far capire agli uomini che, se vogliono essere felici, devono amare il loro prossimo, proprio come amano loro stessi.
Molti, figliolo, non amano nemmeno loro stessi, è un enunciato pericoloso.
Padre, non avevi detto che...
Sì, sì, figlio mio. Decidi tu. Va bene.

Doppiovubi, nella sua cucina, spense la radio a cubo Brionvega. Il GR1 era terminato. Pensò alla giornata che lo attendeva.
Si fece buio in volto. Era preda dell’ansia e dell’amarezza.
La sua bambina, che tra non molto avrebbe compiuto i due anni, si avvicinò a lui, gli sorrise e gli disse Papà, e gli tirò i pantaloni, per condurlo a sfogliare insieme il libro dei Barbapapà.
Lui la guardò e con un mezzo sorriso le disse, vengo, adesso vengo.
La bambina capì che il suo papà non era felice.
La bambina, che poco prima era felice, si sedette per terra, di fianco a lui, e smise di essere felice.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Best Browser For Xp Home?

January 1, 2011 - Estonia

Dal 1° gennaio 2011 l'Estonia sarà il 15° paese ad avere l'euro e a far parte dello spazio Schengen. Insomma il Paese Baltico dalla lingua peculiare (fa parte della famiglia ugro-finnica insieme con il finlandese e l'ungherese/magiaro) entrerà a far parte del "cerchio più interno" dell'Unione Europea (cfr. il mio knol: o la mia sezione "Curiosità" sull'articolo "Cooperazione rafforzata" di wikipedia: )

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gay Wrestling Clothing

Da cinefilo a cinofilo

That my short career as a director had been exhausted was clear. Unfortunately, a brain aneurysm prevents me from spending time in attending art openings, pay a fine attention to my appearance and the number of my contacts, create groups on Facebook or myself for any reason to go to Rome or Milan.
In my mind, the director was one who worked in an idea, translating words into pictures, lived six months a year on a set, directing the actors, the other 6 months of the year spent in a dark room to fit with his trusty Mac
suspect that I could not get by but it is among the refuse offers to shoot movies double compete olds who are literate only in the computer field, attend well-known upper-class prostitutes (many of which are actually women) and do not belong to any professional category and work essentially as a psychotherapist for gay fifties living in luxury homes with walls hung posters of which take when I was nineteen years old and for a time were aesthetically appealing. Artistic photos of them on stage with a nice light rain, such as those in the room of Ornella Muti in "A poor man rich." Yet, inexplicably, some of them are fucking actresses.

The problem is that I and the rest are a misanthrope, a condition that makes me incompatible with the work to the membership. Type, in fact, the director.
Fool that I was, not to listen to my first instinct. And do not talk about what to thirteen years, I drove to want to learn foreign languages, I speak of something that has come before.
I speak of the relationship with animals. The animals are perfect and do nothing wrong, nothing that irritates me, nothing that makes me me want to kill them. All I'm
casino, and I had a voice just wrong, I'm a dog lover, not a movie buff. It was so simple.
I started studying to become a teacher - no, not a trainer like that idiot Massimo Perla, not a torturer as the infamous Cesar Milan, not a fake dick like Bonaccorti with baskets of puppies to be saved.
An educator, one who studies nonverbal communication, cognitive, pedagogical methods.
An angry when you see it on youtube bulldog with sunglasses, cats playing the piano, ferrets who smoke, German shepherds, "talking" parrots and send you to fuck off (although that is the only right thing).
Now do not ask me how it works as your video camera shit, because I'll be busy studying how you are ruining your pet: so I will have a concrete reason to suck, but with the prospect of doing good to at least one poor animal . Much better
shorts that work for the benefit of chiattilli shit.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Largest Tire On Stock 01 Suburban

Changes in virtual spaces dedicated to "Future World" and some news from the world

Apprendo con sollievo that the Democrats in the U.S. at least have retained control of the Senate, but I notice that the right and, above all, the extreme right are advancing in almost all developed countries (or, better, considering the changes in place of "old growth ").
the only - or at least the most obvious - the only major exception is the country of "old growth" to the east and south of Australia or the world map.
here from 24 June this year there is a woman Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, the first woman prime minister of his country and the first female leader in every respect to my slideshow with 16 leaders (one is the UN Secretary General). He replaced Kevin Michael Rudd, another leading member of the Australian Labor Party, first internally by the majority (24 June 2010), followed by parliamentary elections held August 21, 2010. More precisely, it was officially confirmed September 7, 2010.
From 1 January 2011 there will be another female leader: Dilma Rousseff Brazilian who won the election ballot which was held October 31, 2010. E 'was chosen by Lula himself to take his place. I have included in the slideshow and it is now the 2nd of the set of 16 women leaders.
The 3rd is that of succession to Chiambas Gbeho as President of the ECOWAS Commission / ECOWAS. This is also the 3rd and final change in the slideshow of "the rulers".
I finally added a slideshow short of my book "The World of the Future" which was previously only available on Google Knol. E 'in 3rd person because it was conceived and written with cutting encyclopedic.
These changes are related to "site-multiblog" "Future World" ( ), my site ( html) and my main blog ( ).

PS The 1st woman to become part of the Slideshow of Heads was by mistake, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and then replaced with Freddy Ehlers Zurita.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tech Dech Onlin

Solidarietà per ED e Splinder merda

Splinder That is a shit is not news that news to me.
Whatever type of censorship that have implemented against ED * I is indigestible, therefore I welcome you with open arms to ED * on blogspot and, following the example of drink2 , republish that post Splinder has been removed.

Everyone wants to get the idea that, just remember that you are about to read is satire. Do not take it too seriously.

Scazzi Sarah's uncle is a bad person

Well, 'I wrote this joke:
"Sarah's uncle killed her for being a" waste "is nothing short of staggering. What has not fucked while still hot."
And then when I wanted to post the news came out that he had indeed raped post-mortem.
Scazzi Sarah's uncle is a really bad person, do not ruin it certainly beats.

The body was found after almost two months. According to his maternal grandfather who stank so much that he has not even found rice on the name of poor Sarah. Not to mention the name.
From the day of his death had been spotted 260 times. Certain that the tank had to be really popular in order to exclude the hypothesis of repeated throughout necrophilia.
The mother discovered the truth on television. Not be the worst this year, X-Factor.

Sarah was fifteen years and whole life ahead. His uncle must have a weakness for contortionists.
"I strangled her because I refused." What is the warning for the next that ignores my friend request on Facebook.
I speak seriously, the little Sarah listened to Avril Lavigne. What my uncle there is always more fun. A minor who refuses to have sex with a blood relative, then: yet she was also blonde.
"Sarah was the mascotte del gruppo", dicono i suoi amici. Ce la vedo bene, ora, nel campo pubblicitario delle pompe funebri.

Ciò che più dovrebbe sdegnare è certe cose avvengono sempre in famiglia. E io non posso correre il rischio di essere scoperto per via della superficialità di certe persone, cazzo.
Scioccante la confessione dello zio: "L'ho uccisa perchè mi rifiutava e poi l'ho violentata". Spero proprio che valga come attenuante. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cute Tanning Bed Slogans For Signs

Dimmelo tu chi sono AKA il mio curriculum online

Caro blog,
mi capita sempre più spesso di accendere la tv (e già 'm wrong here) and going to outbursts of middle-aged men, to illiterate illiteracy limit, laid off employees, temporary-to-mobilized members of (insert name of union) and very angry with (insert name of CEO).
'm angry because (their words) can not do anything, have only ever done that work, have families (usually large) to maintain and live in a disadvantaged area and no alternative employment. Speak with a Neapolitan accent the emotional effect and greatly increases the likelihood that sooner or later an "independent filmmaker Italian" make us a movie severed artery.

's all true, in Campania in fact there are large firms that provide work, people usually take family and nobody can do shit. I also live here and are field for 36 years. Also I'm just like those gremlins that they camp on the roofs of buildings to protest with chants union, hunger strikes and tends to Decathlon, unemployed for several months.

The difference is that I have not been tied to a gate, I was not on fire, I have not blocked the bypass, I do not Allucci (trans. "screaming") to the TG3 I am without pay from 5 months, cursing him in dialect are not finished on Youtube for the mockery of the people on Facebook. A few days ago one of them said that with the current situation that has a family and did not work in this region has no more hope and can only commit suicide. And indeed it is true, is sometimes feel like throwing in the towel.

Only I know something to do. Actually I have always made my ass, instead of parking it in comfortable situations on the farm, in factories or in the mall parking to do their abuse.
And now they all say the Curriculum Vitae. The CV, I remind you, there is not a dick, does not help in any way in evaluating a person's ability, and especially not answer the question "What are you?". A plumber? A baker? An accountant? How do you say what you're in a couple of pages? How do you discard those with little information? Oh, yeah, I forgot that Italy is in the attachment to work, the CV is a mere formality.

Here, then, my Curriculum Vitae, no holds barred. Maybe in the end, my blog, I know you say a thing like me should do for a living.

I attended the High School, finished with a paltry 42, which is not bad I did not count that shit for 5 years. I struggle to remember myself with a book in hand, if an exception is made for the magazine Excelsior (and in that case, it was a book in my hand).
In contrast, the last year I participated in the production of a newspaper class. It may seem like a crap, but thanks to the foresight of his LDU that paper was a remarkable event was fully implemented the computer was formatted in a professional manner and made with great care in a time when other schools in the badge photocopies of articles written in ink on paper protocol. I was then even the most experienced of computer science and technology among all my friends (except for LDU, but there does not count because he knows more than ALL) and I knew as a graduate in English language.
At the same time I learned how to use turntables and mixer and for some years I was a DJ also quoted enough. We speak of times when the city was only a big club and no more than two well-known DJ. I had less than 17 years and did two parties a week (and I was paid), I disco nights and my boxes do not mix fought. Here too it seems nothing, but it was then that I learned to understand and measure musical time, and I gained a sense of rhythm and my first pseudonym.

A year of transition, in which I left behind my adolescent past idiocies, false friendships, ignorance, techno music and virginity. I went to work as an animator in the summer to earn some 'money (and have sex), I met my great mentor and teacher and I joined that niendetimeno in Aeronautical Engineering. I wanted to design aircraft.
After a semester of analysis (with a thirty year old teacher who called all "trivial") have been seized by an attack of awareness, a afternoon trivial integrals and derivatives: San Paolo stadium (which is exactly opposite to the right) there was an afternoon concert by Baglioni. It was sunny and the air felt shitty songs and screams of thousands of girls getting wild. The sound of life.
I gave a review of computer science, I left and went right to work for the company of my father. I had turned 19 and I had been appointed head of Italy for a project of the Fujinon Europe, for which I have often had occasion to visit Germany. Ok, in that case was "recommended", but I worked hard and I got my rewards.

I'm joining the faculty of Arts, where for three years grind 4 exams per session, narrowly missed an average of 30 (I 29.7), my passion for sports cars, attend the ether as a radio amateur, I find a great passion for cinema and, above all, finally beginning to write. I write everything from short stories to essays on drafts of the novel. But above all, study like crazy and I read everything.
Towards the end of the second year of university I had already finished all the exams that I could bear and there were no courses to follow, so I decided that I would learn something as you do a movie, and I showed up at a TV production companies for to the trainee (at the time they did not use this term merdosissimo, was called only Gavetta). I rolled up cables, plugs and related fact shooting the shit for a year, then I moved to the assembly (analog, that is, with video recorders and controllers). At the time we started to talk about the early digital editing systems, with computers and expensive unavailable. I was a Mac user (obviously) and I had heard of a program (Adobe Premiere) that lets you install on your computer. The company where I did an internship he had no idea what it was, as almost no one in Naples. So I had to go around for Italy at my expense to learn these systems.
In '97 I averaged more than other so that I apply for an Erasmus grant and I choose the destination that you prefer: Barcelona. Wraps up my things, including computer and VCR, and get ready to go.
Meanwhile, my teacher and mentor asked me to write a novel to publish.
Barcelona discover what sucks the Italian university, to learn that there are no tests compatible that I can do there (I've already paid all in Italy), for so I decided to take advantage of the six-month "vacation" and learn English and Catalan, I realize my first digital editing and writing the first draft of the novel lovers who were not ever . A monster of 420 pages.
When I go back to Italy I find myself being the only one around to understand a little digital editing, then go into the thing and do a couple of crucial choices: while all analog tapes are breathless with the switchboards and Premiere, I step to the DV to firewire and Final Cut Pro (Note: This info is a bit 'by insiders).
In the little free time I start to play the drums, he formed a small group to play at a good level, so that I can even earn something. The love for music leads me to learn much about audio equipment and software to make music, and broaden my career opportunities.
For about four months, and for various reasons that I am not to deepen in the middle of '98 I live in Scotland where I help out as pizza and barman. Long story short, I have to go back to Italy where I still work as an editor. At that
point I have 24 years a real specialized work and I decide that I want to live alone. I create my own little company, he left the university and I start working full-time as an editor.
I find my first cat in the street (will be followed by another eight years), I get passionate for video games, "smart" and find the Gran Turismo series (Note: This is the stuff of nerd, never mind).

The activities of my small company becomes a platform for large projects. For almost ten years if you are south of Rome and you have to do a professional job you have to come from me.
If you wanted to buy a Mac and equipped to do video editing, you had to call me. Even the official dealers Apple mi chiamavano come consulente, fin quando ho iniziato a fornire direttamente io i sistemi ai privati, alle scuole di cinema e così via.
Inizio anche ad essere chiamato come docente in corsi di regia e montaggio, insegno in quasi tutte le scuole della città, tengo seminari e workshop nelle Unverisità, ad alcuni Convegni e in un noto salone del Fumetto; inizio a specializzarmi anche nelle riprese con telecamere digitali, studio fotografia digitale, compongo le basi sonore delle cose che monto, imparo a fare grafica animata per i video, poi passo alla regia e alla realizzazione di progetti più complessi per reti televisive locali e nazionali.
Apro anche il mio primo blog, quando in Italia ce n'erano forse una decina. E riesco comunque to never become famous as a blogger. WTF.
my Mom as I pull it, sometimes.

In 2008 I find myself hating my job, to do so for more than 12 hours a day, to hear me say again that cost too much and there's a nephew / friend / acquaintance who also has his camera and computers and that does the same job for $ 100. The "advantages" of digital penetration.
We are in the land of rubbish, the one where the weddings account for 90% of the turnover of those who live by the videomaker, or photographers. I could not compete, and I refused to do weddings and ceremonies.
I was without a purpose, angry, exhausted, disappointed, I did not written anything for years, there was nothing in front of me. And many personal vicissitudes, however I end up working in the family (after swearing to myself that I would never have done) because at this point I have over 30 years and I need a job economically stable.
still learn a lot in the management of a company and study things like ISO certification, privacy law, I deal with the computerization and digitization of the company, write contracts, internal rules Adjustment Safety, and the full range of harassment possible for which should go to read The Process of Kafka, and also his story Before the Law.
Survive this way until early 2010 when I sacked because I can not stand that life.

From that moment I'm unemployed, I have a stable life and I have no savings or hidden treasures. I have to work for a living.

I ask for a Curriculum Vitae, and I can live with them: carefully fill in the boxes on the table with addresses, dates, job titles, specializations. But that small page A4 PDF does not say anything about me, my abilities, my skills.

What are they? A mediocre film? A failed writer? A computer without talent? A little impatient manager? A genius unexpressed? One lazy dick? A nerd is no longer rock hippie?
You decide, dear blog.
too, an occasional player that you found this page by accident, and that if you're also the CEO of a large communication company that sees the potential in the author of this CV delusional.
Did you just occurred to me that you are looking for an artistic director, a qualified staff, a supervisor at work, a consultant or even a vice president.
Here, dear manager of way, what I can do very well, the characteristic that sums up my CV: I know understand what others are doing, and I know I can do it better. And then I teach others how to do it better and I know how to do it even better plan, and will be the best in five years. And all this while I was strutting like Belen Rodriguez but without her tits.

Ah, are a type very ironic. I think. And
hide encrypted messages in almost everything I write.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wart Removal Laser Edinburgh

Homo non sapiens

I open my eyes at 6:11 and I immediately realize that today is that day: the day when I wake up and are just in bed. With considerable effort I go back to sleep, entering a simple symbol scary nightmare.

's usually quiet here. But today you are out and all. The telephone, the telephone, the neighbors, the truck that downloads from the site, maintenance of pumps, barking dogs, screaming ambulances that pass on the road. You have it all with me, I understand.

Cats really are merciless: they can be independent and reserved, almost cold, and here are all here this morning, look at me and meow and you have all an expression that seems to say "do not feel bad, please, we are there." It is not true I know exactly what they are hungry, and between 10 minutes will be all around on their own. They are incredible, none of that belongs to him, perhaps not even realize.
If tomorrow morning I came abducted by aliens they could continue their lives as if nothing had happened, the first going to meow they face to have two biscuits.

My rite of passage, and the only thing that I have the strength to do is cut hair. Was scheduled a few days, then go to the bathroom, grab the camera and rarely on the ground. I'm graying, grizzled I guess. Instead, I shit hair and balding, gone are the days of hair rock. Now I can only afford to cut to zero, and if a god will save me hair specialists, the receding hairline stop and I will not be just bald. The weight

worst is knowing that I'm leaving this house.
Whatever happens, good or evil, the adventure in this place is over. I can not and I will no longer be in a place that is a life project if that project will no longer exist. I get along better with the reset, I want to start again and with different rules.

Good and evil. I no longer tell them apart: I woke up and I was no longer an adult, I lost the ability to evaluate my life, knowing that somehow it would come to this permit. Everything in this house, has lost its function. The bed is no longer a suitable form, the coffee maker looks at me and asks me "what went wrong?", The bathroom window was broken and it seems an abstract painting. On land there is no dust that I'm going to take off.

As I cut your hair in the mirror, I make a mistake and I caused a cut on his neck. Burns. I realize that I have cuts and scars everywhere, at moments I almost fear. I have a cut under the thumb destra, è profondo e molto vicino ad una vena ben visibile. Tanto vicino che mi domando come ho fatto a non lacerarmi quella vena. Più guardo quella linea rossa più penso che dovrei aprire, divaricare, osservare bene cosa c'è dentro. Far uscire molto più sangue.

La doccia è più una tortura che altro. Con tutte quelle ferite il sapone brucia ovunque, e non c'è modo di evitarlo.

Tutte le ferite che ho dentro sanguinano silenziosamente, perché la mia pelle è fatta di illusioni impenetrabili: devo portare le ferite e le cicatrici fuori, per non illudermi di essere invulnerabile. I segni sul mio corpo sono, ormai, la mia storia. Vivo una vita che non mi appartiene, infilato a forza in un corpo umano su cui non ho il controllo. Vivo in dimensioni parallele dove ciò che accade nel piano reale non mi appartiene del tutto.

Solo due volte i piani hanno combaciato, ed è stato terribile. Questa è la terza.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How To Know If A Bandana Suits You


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Breasts Jigsaw Puzzles

Entertainment writing?

Il maestro ha parlato, e 16.552 caratteri devono essere riscritti.
Non del tutto, ma va risistemato.
La cosa mi preoccupa in quanto ora devo pensare a divertirmi scrivendo . O cavolo, e chi ci aveva pensato?

Me ne stavo qui tutto preso e concentrato a cercare di fare un lavoro serio e professionale, ed ho tralasciato l'aspetto more important than writing. I love writing, I like, I enjoy it, is essential for me an outlet. Get

Valentino Rossi is a devastating leg and say they should stay put for months, but in 40 days you see him back in the saddle. Not standing, he must use crutches because it is not a cyborg, a human being, if he gets a compound fracture to heal and do physical therapy as us mortals.
But moving the leg almost no use, and he thrives on that, love him, have fun. No need to be his fan or acclaimed to appreciate a man who loves what amuses him.

For me this happens with writing. And I do not want to become a "lavoro", poiché ho già commesso questo errore con la regia e l'ho pagato a caro prezzo.

Ecco, tutto qua.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Appendicitis Around The World

Nel dubbio

Facciamo che intanto inizio da qualche parte.
Facciamo anche che inizio da più parti contemporaneamente.
Facciamo, infine, che una delle parti costituisce un obiettivo più facile da raggiungere.

Ho deciso di rimandare di qualche giorno il progetto piace-ma-mi-torna-in-culo ; preferisco iniziare dagli inizi, tornare alle origini, ripercorrere qualche passo lontano nel tempo.

Perché? Come dicevo in un altro post , la vita e la letteratura non appartengono allo stesso piano dell'esistenza: nella letteratura è perfettamente possibile tornare indietro di anni, ritrovare se stessi come si era in quel tempo, ripercorrere (anche uno ad uno, se si vuole) i propri passi e cambiare le cose. Impercettibilmente, magari, ma è comunque possibile.

Lo farò. Lo sto facendo.

Se per caso vi trovaste proprio in procinto di leggere il mio libro (e solo gli Dèi sanno quanto questa circostanza sia improbabile) vi consiglierei di attendere un po'. Non troppo, ma prometto che l'attesa sarà ricompensata.

Nota: la foto che ho usato mi piaceva, a parte che (come sempre) non condivido questo feticismo per il sangue.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What Happens To A Reposessed Atv

Il dubbio

I am in a time of great tribulation.

On the one hand I want to start a project that I have a clear idea, which has nothing to do with writing despite being a highly creative project which would have a great success.

opposite corner, the weight of 129 pounds, the certainty that, if the result of this project was really a very wide spread, I was in a terrible situation. And by "terrible" I mean: find me here and make me your ass. In the sense that they kill me.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Washington Mutual Debit Card

Prossimamente: sindromi for dummies

I post in a joint Serbian-Taricone Cannavaro but I do not know if I want to write it.

But this morning I feel the need to give a small boost to my literary life and (hopefully) work. And by "little boost, I mean a severe scourging.

the long run I realized that I'm turning into a sort of paleontologist of the language: a paleoglottologo. The most depressing aspect of this process is the fact that the object of my studies is not extinct, as are now fossils and prehistoric beings. The language, as the primary means of literary expression, is in agony terminal and I will be chasing a dying man.

Someone gets angry with the general television, but nobody forces you to look at it.
There are those who point the finger at the Internet and e-books, but the truth is that this market does not exist in Italy and the bookshelves are literally full of books, almost all stuff for recycling.
Some people look shocked the awards ceremony of the Witch and shoot zero on authors, publishers, media. I am one of those.

None of this is the real cause of my loss. The error has been central

abysmal There is a separation between real life and that of the character of a novel. That obvious, you say. Not so much, I say. In my stories the characters have absolute freedom, something that I can not afford at any level in my life.
Their moral systems are defined and sharp, they receive the compromise as a deliberate insult, and can count on strong theatrical effect of their actions. Those around him, at whatever level, is an appearance. Outsiders are an opportunity or an obstacle.

In real life the same people who watch every week on Channel 5 Dr. House would not be able to relate to him if they happen to meet him really. Are intrigued by his outrageous and fascinating way to turn to others, but in support of this plot should have the sop the happy end of the mattress to know that he does to save lives.
also because a profile with the attitude of Gregory House, a doctor without the genius, it is essentially a serial killer such as Charles Manson or the Unabomber or Briatore.

I really bogged down in dynamic real strenuous, but now I have serious intentions.
can no longer afford to my real life to interfere with my intellectual life.

Now separate careers.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bitter Almonds Arsenic

Somenthing's always wrong

(In the photo: a possible future, luckily not mine.)

I come across a song that brings me to memory things very old, almost indistinct.
And, as always, the music helps me.

As one strives to do well and minimize the unexpected, there's always something wrong .

There was a stage in my life when I gave all the blame myself, not so much for the privilege of being able to look my faults, but for the constant pressure of the views of important figures in my life, all in one direction: if people / events A, B, C and D (which does not relate to each other) cross with you and things go wrong, the constant becomes you, and then up to you to change.

I was taught, and it's true that feelings do not exist: i sentimenti sono le persone.
Era chiaro, a quel punto, che andava tutto ridiscusso. Era amore quello per la diciottenne Grobula? Era vera amicizia con il tuo vecchio amico Marruzio? Esisteva davvero quella amicizia amorosa con Nellèa? Avevano un qualche fondamento le confortanti parole di Pryno?

Uuuuhh. Aaeeeaaah. No.

Frutto di incroci casuali tra persone che attraversano fasi estremamente variabili della propria vita, questi rapporti erano basati su sentimenti inesistenti in sé.
Se 4 e 3 si sommano producono il 7. Ma il 7 può essere il risultato di infinite altre tele matematiche, e magari questo 7 ha anche un suo significato di per sé; uno potrebbe voler tendere a quel 7 ad ogni costo, e procedere trial and error, putting the canvas in the complex mathematical formulas and improbable, even to get to that 7.

Ah, if the feelings were governed by scientific laws of the universe would be easy: just look at Wikipedia or on Elitist Jerks as a set of properties is necessary for A, B, C and D can even be combined with you and produce at last a 7.

If it is not yet clear, this is the story of your ex boyfriend / partner who has spent 7 years with you to do Bird Watching and then she left and soon the place as a teller at the Banco Ambrosiano.

's the story of one with whom you have been the last year of high school and, in many other years, the thing he loved More was to stay at home, tucked under a blanket, with mom and dad in the living room but did not disturb anything, and say no to friends who go to dance tonight because we rented a VHS from Blockbuster and I promised that I would have watched Titanic for the first time with her.
Except then you leave and find her, now twenty-seven, dressed in slutty dancing on the cube. On Saturdays and Wednesdays.

It is also the history of almost thirty-progressive, enterprising and emancipated that seduces you into any working day, haunts you, you diminish and excites you at the same time. A woman truly unconventional. The same switch you see, a few months after you have left to fuck and damn-the-day-that-we-are-known , on pedestrian crossings while you're stopped at red, walking slowly pushing a baby carriage, slow and tired from his big belly. E 'pregnant again and this time they are two adorable twins. (NDR: pheeewwwww)

Hey, but that there is not your ex-boyfriend, Evulgendzo? But it was left for Madagascar with an NGO? He was not supposed to be like racing to vaccinate thousands of African children to save them from Freeview? Come on, it was not what you had left at the end because you could not keep up a relationship at a distance? Here, I said that it was him!
So sorry, what the hell makes us sitting quel tavolo con quella specie di transessuale e quel gruppo di malavitosi, a parte tirarsi tutta la cocaina che sta sul suddetto tavolo?

Ecco una possibile soluzione, che ci è gentilmente offerta proprio dalla matematica. La semplificazione .
Quando un calcolo è troppo complesso, si associano elementi che si annullano a vicenda, e si semplificano i passaggi che ci condurranno a X. E più si va avanti, meno variabili restano, fin quando un giorno riesci a scrivere E=mc2 (sarebbe "al quadrato" ma non trovo il simboletto del cazzo).

Il problema è che devi sapere quanto vali tu in questa cazzo di equazione. La cosa più probabile è che, tirando le sum of all these simplifications, you end up attributing to yourself 90% of the total value, and leave the rest to others. If the goal is 7 and you rate (even if unwittingly) 6.3 is pretty obvious what the consequence.

If I think the days of long hair, workout 3 times a week, jeans and white T-shirt in disco, the avalanche swept, social life, courting refined, four-valve machine, 's to live alone, letters, intercom surprise ... I no longer see a wonderful period of youth who run away, I see many saved from peril.

And I do not seem to see an enterprising young man, attivo, scaltro ed affascinante. Vedo uno che aveva il culto di se stesso , quelli che oggi chiameremmo metrosexuales .

Nonostante tutto, c'è ancora, c'è sempre qualcosa di sbagliato.
Il punto è che la matematica altro non è che un sistema dell'uomo per comprendere, spiegare e manipolare la realtà. La struttura teorica che ci permette di esprimere concetti apparentemente ovvii (come il numero 7, somma, sottrazione, variabile, risultato ecc.) in natura di per sé non esiste .
Non c'è un posto dove vai e trovi la matematica lì, ferma al sole a far niente. Non c'è un reparto per la Matematica allo Zoo per esempio. La vedi in azione tutto the time, everywhere, in all things that exist in the universe because it is the Universe itself.
But all that is said of mathematics is created by man.

imagine how we are combined with the love, friendship, free will and the whole long series of imaginary constructs of the man we have many fewer examples of objective, and most of them are absolute shit.

Universe of feelings we are the Earth, the Moon is always there and is the quid we need to overcome gravity. But the rest of the atmosphere is completely saturated with small cylindrical bodies orbiting rapidly leaving behind a long trail of brownish debris.

assholes are the astral with you to do every day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Full Face Helmets Moto-x

Lost: commento finale










Now you know all about Lost.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Largest Shark To Ever Exist

current version of the blog and in Russian 3.3 edition of the book.

this is not exactly [...] news, much less a tragic news: it is the Russian version of my site-blog on the future world. [...]

Also in March there is the 03/03 edition of "The Future World", most likely, will be 'final. The (few) differences with the 3.1 edition of November 9, 2009 are recorded in a tiny e-book that you can 'find and download for free from my window Lulu ( )

Friday, May 7, 2010

Brazilian Wax Bath Before

idly playing with pebbles.

Ogni santissimo giorno, anche se non avrebbe voluto, sbatteva violentemente la sua faccia davanti alla prova, sempre più inconfutabile, del fatto che tutti gli esseri umani, nessuno escluso, trascorrono la loro intera esistenza impregnati di un egoismo senza limite. Quando questa constatazione era riferita agli altri, ciò lo colmava di tristezza e amarezza. When it was aimed at himself - because he knew not at all constitute an exception to this rule - that made him angry. The sadness and anger deepened when mounted Doppiovubi reflected on this conviction, that the rule, the norm for the man or his natural state is to be thoroughly selfish, while Love is a real exception, it is difficult to draw, and in any case we must have an effort, a conscious effort and continued to swim against the tide, the river because of the instincts leads you inexorably towards your survival, and more at the expense of others and often with its oppression, towards meeting dei tuoi propri desideri, verso il tuo proprio godimento, ed ebbe un bel predicare Gesù, quando invitava ad amare il prossimo, e Doppiovubi avrebbe voluto essere lì a parlargli, per chiedere a lui, nella sua privilegiata qualità di sedicente figlio di Dio, qualche necessario chiarimento. Ed ecco che Doppiovubi decise tosto di partire, e in pochi attimi catapultò la sua mente duemila anni indietro, nel centro di Gerusalemme. Aveva previsto di materializzarsi in un luogo molto silenzioso, di raccoglimento, e invece capitò nel bel mezzo di un mercato, dove il rumore era assordante. Cercò Gesù con lo sguardo, dopo tutto non avrebbe potuto non vederlo, perché c'era andato apposta, con la sua mente, proprio per incontrarlo.
There he is.
saw him in a dusty corner, sitting on the floor, leaning against a stone wall, intent on fiddling idly with pebbles. Beside him, a young man who was dozing.
The so-called classical iconography had always portrayed with ethereal traits, a white tunic, a lean body and tall, handsome face and smooth, with a long beard and golden hues. A divine figure, indeed.
the contrary, Jesus was fat, filthy and dressed in a tunic. Gave off an unpleasant smell. He wore a beard yes, but short, spiky and half-whitened. The face had coarse features. He looked like a thug. For a moment a terrible thought crossed the mind of Doppiovubi, maybe not all had to condemn the wrongs , thinking that once drove reluctantly.
"Hello, Jesus," said Doppiovubi.
Doppiovubi Jesus looked up, smiled and greeted him warmly.
"Are you really so, as I see you, or are so only in my imagination?"
"I was really so, Doppiovubi. Because, as you thought you were? "
" Can you imagine tall, blond, with his coat linda ... "
" I know, as I imagined, so I have always imagined almost everyone. "
" There is a problem, Jesus If you are what you are - and you are, I think - you should already know, in advance, All that I am come to ask. So why should I ask, why do not you answer me directly? "
" Why is this dialogue should be written. And who will read it can not understand the answers without reading the questions. But let's talk quietly under that sycamore tree. "(Note: in the first version of this dialogue with Jesus, Doppiovubi wrote that Jesus away to the sycamore," said the young man next to him: "Peter, you stay here." But then Incidentally this was canceled as it was considered as a true banality, however, we know with reasonable certainty that Peter was really there, and Jesus Doppiovubi; the detail of the sycamore was first eliminated, then added again, under a variety of reasons that is not appropriate to disclose here).
Doppiovubi pretended to think where he was the sycamore. He had no idea how he made a sycamore. So he trotted back to Jesus, who chuckled to himself, because he knew, and more in advance, all that passed in the mind of Doppiovubi. And
Doppiovubi knew that Jesus knew.
was embarrassing. Doppiovubi, with an effort of lucidity, he began deliberately to slide rapidly hundreds of random images in the brain, some for the truth even obscene or disgusting, just to prove Jesus to have somewhat control of the situation, while being under constant observation.
Doppiovubi Jesus looked into his eyes, and smiled slyly.
"So Doppiovubi, I know you came here for me to ask why the man was not created naturally selfish and selfless. You just asked for the umpteenth time in your small kitchen, Sunday night at the GR1 you were not listening. So you've decided to make this bizarre journey. "
" Exactly, Jesus "
" You, therefore, believe that man was created naturally selfish? "
" Yes, I believe. Is not it? "
"In fact that's it, Doppiovubi. What in a broad sense - with you I can speak out, especially here - we can also call our father actually created man naturally selfish. "
" You go preaching all along that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. "
'It is true. I preach all the time. "
" This means that we should love our neighbor, it is a commandment. It means that by nature, naturally, do not love him. Mean that God has not arranged for the man love his neighbor, but above all to love himself. "
" It 's so. If you were God, how would you have created l’uomo?”
“L’avrei creato naturalmente altruista. Pensa che bello, Gesù, un mondo in cui tutti si amano, dove tutti pensano al bene del prossimo prima che al proprio. Dove se tuo fratello ti chiede la tunica, tu gli dài spontaneamente anche il mantello, senza che ci sia bisogno che un Gesù venga ad ammonirci di farlo.”
“Se l’uomo fosse stato naturalmente altruista, non sarebbe mai stato possibile quello che dici. Mio fratello non mi chiederebbe la tunica. Perché penserebbe che è meglio che io la tenga per me. Starebbe al freddo, piuttosto. Ma a quel punto io spontaneamente gli darei la mia, di tunica, perché anch’io sarei altruista. E lui proverebbe dolore, perché I would be deprived of my tunic. A world of untold suffering. "
" I can not refute, Jesus, because I made it this dialogue. Into the barrel in contradiction with myself. "
" In fact, I can not refute, but not for the reason you said. But let me tell you: you are here, in this your life, to make experiences. One of these is love of neighbor, self-denial - denial that actually is against nature - for the happiness of your brother. It is a profound experience as they transition from a state of selfishness, imperfect, in a state of selflessness, perfect. If God had created man naturally altruistic; this wonderful experience would have been impossible. Nor did God created man, in that case. The creation would be a useless act. The man really lives and gives meaning to its existence only if it comes from the self and moves outward, toward something else. The same creative act - the same energy, the explosion, even that primitive - an act that has a definite direction, from the inside out. The state of man, selfish, but is marked by the movement of the elements external to the self. Goes in the opposite direction in the creative act, and can not create happiness. It 'still an experience, which is also needed, but can potentially to implementation of the experience mentioned earlier, the experience of what we conventionally call love. "
" Jesus, take me a curiosity, since we are here. "
" Tell me, Doppiovubi, if I may, willingly. "
"Are you really the son of God, or you're just an enlightened?"
"Both things together. I've said many times. We are all, to use your expression, the children of God only that some, like me, they know, others do not. "
" Yet, as I said before, this dialogue, I invented it. What guarantee do I have what you say is right and true? "Jesus looked
Doppiovubi in the eyes, and smiled slyly.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kates Playground Bowl Job

Se mi vedi felice in disparte

Party. Birthday. Over 30.

I could now publish the famous piece " you notice me more if I do not come or if I come and I'm alone " taken from Ecce Bombo, but the truth is that I feel more represented by another personaggio. Un personaggio che non avevo ben capito quando ho visto per la prima volta il film, e che oggi mi pare talmente calzante che guarda veramente cioè fai tu .

Arriva questo invito, la festa di compleanno di Tizio, si festeggia in Abruzzo (2 ore di macchina) il fine settimana visto che l'amico F. ci ospita nel suo alberghetto.
Sebbene io adori F. e consorte e sia stato già varie volte da loro in Abruzzo, alla telefonata di Tizio la mia mente si affolla di domande: seeeentiii, ma che tipo di festa è? Non è che è una di quelle feste dove si presenta uno con un cartone pieno di superalcolici, che alle 11 di mattina state già tutti con le Ceres e la sigaretta in mano?
Non è per caso una di quelle feste dove ci sono 3 coppie, una dozzina di maschi single allupati e due sole donne, una fidanzata e una un cesso? Non è che una di queste coppie ha dei figli piccoli che si cacano nel pannolone mentre siamo a tavola, vero?
Non si tratterà mica di una festa dove ad un certo punto qualcuno si avvicina allo stereo e mette su Bob Marley?? NON MI VORRAI DIRE CHE A UN CERTO PUNTO QUALCUNO PRENDE LA CHITARRA E SUONA!?!?!

Naturalmente non ho posto nessuna di queste domande, anche se sentivo want to do: I pretended.
Even now, I pretend.

It 's very difficult to decide what the hell to do when you go to a party for 36 years and you hope that a volcano sparse on the ground in the region where you live.
You wonder what's wrong when 10 males if they are on one side of a broken-down shot of gin in the other room and you instead you're sitting and phlegmatic, chatting with women. I am sure that the herd must have thought "that's half ricchione", but meanwhile I fucked hard and well in life, while two or three of them I would not say the same.

In the end, it was pleasant, a nice place and even if my body no longer holds the spirits (or are I do not want to devastation?) I can say that such a thing every six months is feasible. For friendship.
I leave the end of this post to a video I made this afternoon to properly express how I feel when I encounter people who sang and played folk songs of my land.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Indian Hair Transplant Poswal -

Icone, peperone, nani ASCII

This dialog Blogspot, full of small buttons but empty of content, it becomes more and more my own vision of the "old white sheet," which is what you find yourself in front when you become aware of having a creative block. Typical of writers.

But I are not blocked: is that the new neighbors are completing the move, and eat again with the drill. I get up, close windows and start again.

At one point, goes crazy and crashes Safari on my Mac at all and I am forced to turn off completely still for about 5 minutes - during which goes over the mantra that I learned in twenty years of experience as a user Apple reviews the situation carefully survey the signals that the monitor provides you, synchronize your mind on the faint sound produced by the rotation of the hard drive, feel the latency of the mouse, prepare your self to carry out routine periodic Cocktail, pump impellers.

I am not a computer expert, I understand enough to have taken a premature and unsuccessful trail in science. Keyword: bankruptcy. I'm not the kind of person who manages to fit in one's mind with simple concepts like "quadrics", "Joule" or "Capezzone.
To me it is natural to seek out the Anabasis, talk to the monads, revolutionize the feline ethology.

Nevertheless, I owned a Mac since the days of System 6 Classic, and I've had enough (including laptops, phones and gadgets) to become, in my immediate circle of friends, "what he understands Mac. " LDU exception, which was (and still is) my teacher and mentor to the Apple world.
In fact it's true: I've developed that sense I also add "Apple" in me, and it allows me to recognize the language spoken by Apple products when they are suffering. So, intuitively, whether it is software or hardware, and which of these components in particular is in crisis. Inwardly, I am guided through a preset series of movements that become a new primal instinct. As if when you get out of hand the pen, to resume the flight and continue to write. Welcoming, in the meantime.

Except when there is an "inexplicable and unsolvable mystery block of Apple products" ™.
Anyone who has ever owned an Apple product (a Mac, but also an iPod) sooner or later meets "MBIeIdPA" ™, and came out defeated. When this happens, the only thing to do is to turn off power and leave it alone for a while '. For how long, depends on the subject: 5-10 minutes for a 24-inch iMac, a half hour for laptops, iPods and so on for one night.

However, my "sense of Mac" has saved me and brought back safe and sound, to my desktop tidy. The hard drive icon (which is called as my main pg in World of Warcraft, you think), the icon of TrashIt! (Also because sometimes it decides that the Mac does not want you to use the Recycle Bin) and only two documents.

Here, let me share a thought rather vulgar, but please look at these two icons. One of the documents (the right) I saved on the fly during one of "MBIeIdPA" ™ on my iMac, and I could not even give it a name: it's called Untitled.

My Mac introduced me to these icons, tell me what kind of files, and then, looking good with the eye of the falcon, they explore the subtle traces of prey from 3000 meters high, it is noted that The icon is none other than a thumbnail that represents the exact contents of the first page of the document. So I le distinguo a occhio, e so che a sinistra c'è il mio Curriculum, a destra la bozza del nuovo regime alimentare... eh, lo so.

Questo è il mio Mulino Bianco, attorno a me non c'è un'aria di campagna con effetto Glow/Blur, non ci sono bambini ariani felicissimi che mangiano gallette alla scorza d'arancio che sembrano cucinate da Anthony Bourdain in persona.
C'è il mio computer con due bellisime, ordinate, intelligenti e funzionali icone. E pochi, sporadici momenti di follia.

Mi suona il citofono: è una comitiva di esperti e gente sveglia che vorrebbe mostrarmi alcuni volantini nei quali si narra la storia di quanto fa schifo Steve Jobs and how, on the contrary, Ubuntu was created by Jehovah himself. I communicate, apparently irritated that does not make sense to spend 2000 Euro on hardware that costs more than 700 from a friend and that they have assembled for free, they can add wonders to liquid cooling systems as adapted from that of a 911 Turbo damaged.
Not to mention the thousands and thousands of FREE software which are all more or less the same things he does ... I do not know ... such as iLife. But that shit is not Apple.
And you do not know which video card! Yesterday I rendered my ideal woman .
Of course, once you have the PC so is put a copy of Windows (not using it ever so ), and the result is this
The thing is closed, however, you are not a Apple fan, I'm a happy user (enough). All the drama Mac vs. PC does not concern me, I do not want to use PC and Mac-evangelize anyone. Once, perhaps, a bitten apple-shaped sticker could mean something, could restore a sense of "ok friend, I understand that you have understood," now adopted is pure mass marketing and the Mac is a household appliance. To each his own, and anyway the fan usually disturb me.

As I do not like who enjoys quality an LCD TV, the capacity of your refrigerator, or the performance of his car, so I should detest one that comes to saying things like:
  • Are you crazy? A Sony? But if it's all in Chinese, I have a 50-inch InnoHit DIY, but that shit where you only pay for the brand!
  • I can give you some advice? Your washing machine Whirlpool sucks, with quell'oblò similplastica design in chrome! But what do you want to prove? You like me, buy a washing machine industry from 60 Kg, basalt and steel designed by a former NASA engineer. Even wash away sins. But
  • sentry! What are you spending money with the Mercedes for half of the half when you buy a nice kit of a Caterham? 0-100 in 4 seconds and does not have all those useless things Mercedes, like the doors.
  • elitist n00b! 1!
I have to quit because I have the sauce on the stove and it burns me. I know that I can not resume until early afternoon, and hope that I have not spent the time desk.

- 17:39 pm, I take a shit but I no longer have to say. In the sense that I lost the thread: where I wanted to get with the history of icons?
Looking back now ok, the icons with preview in nanometers is cool, but not enough to make us a post.
Least to mention the feud Mac / PC on which, moreover, do not change my mind.

My interpretation of writer's block is nonsense pour out on the Blog.

Coming soon: I want to talk about the blogs I read.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Uti Colloidal Silver

Purché se ne parli... e intanto quello si scopa Belen

's new morning sun, when I go out on the balcony to hear him I am reminded of M. who yesterday claimed to be able to see the ash cloud Icelandic. In Naples.

The fact that I was then reminded that long ago my father told me about chemtrails. In the sense that we believed.

But it's not that I want to talk about chemtrails, seeing as this is the best product trolling the Internet ever invented. If possible, the greatest achievement by supporters of chemtrails was to create a hype so perfect as to become myth.
plots of the fake moon landing and the Twin Towers should go without imploding from the guy who invented the story of chemtrails and take lessons.

The course would probably be held by that other genius who invents tales like nun's topless pictures on Facebook, by Paolini, or from what throws the colored balls down from Trinita dei Monti.

The course will be overseen by the Grand Council of Teachers who have the who invented Scientology, the one who invented God and the one who invented Fabrizio Corona. Ah, no, there really is Crown ...

Rector, Jacob.

What people do not understand, from my dear Milena Gabanelli (one of the last in Italy to remember what a journalist) is the concept of Troll.

no point in trying to converse with a troll. Its purpose is to systematically contradict and mock the other person, through specific techniques. It is not even in the purest sense of disinformation: the troll does not put the information around, because him just one. A photo of a trail to move through the sky of a city is more than enough.
The rest of the strategy is spamming the network: to write many, write anywhere, to highlight the denial of information given by others to discredit them, without, however, a shred of objective evidence or empirical.

The game is children that are mirror reflection, more or less the same and Ghedini Belpietro to speak. The one where you do not say a fucking important, but having one does in the face an expression that is to slap holding rackets from the beach.

Internet is ideally suited to this game: hundreds of twelve years old Web experts, but who know nothing yet of life, plus the whole generation of boomers (thanks Mr. Letterman) who "internet" and can not distinguish what is true and what is not.

So, my father believes the hoax (the "buffalo"), but does not know what they are. A little 'as do the men with God: they say that there is, that after death there is eternal life, and that should not be sex for pleasure (apart from the children of course) and they are all happy.

do not know exactly where I wanted to with this post: But I reflected on the fact that when you try to remove the buffalo theory to some people, you forget that you are dealing with experts disintegration of the communication process with people who are trained to trim down any opponent with brief interventions, hard, absolutely no content and completely irrelevant to the discussion.

short, as the Italian journalists.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Texet 4gb Flash Stick Drivers

Wu Wei, vacuum, Aikido, dark energy and Parmenides.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom,
and the power to choose our response. "Viktor Frankl

Neuroscientist Benjamin Libet demonstrated that the decision not aware of acting is about 550 milliseconds before the decision, conscious , to take that action. The intention is, at a time before, in the unconscious. In Mind Time writes: "... the emergence of unconscious intention to act can not be controlled consciously. Only his final accomplishment as motor act can be consciously controlled. " We can choose not to do something, but we can not control the source of the signal that was going to push us to take that action.
The psychologist William James said that free will is exercised after the impulse to do something and actually doing it before. It is not free will. And 'free-will not .

Astronomers have calculated that the seventy-four percent of the universe consists of dark energy, which is added to the twenty percent of dark matter. It ignores the nature of both. The remaining four percent is visible universe.
We live in an invisible universe.

* *

For about fifty minutes his mother, the one who had generated the poison poured on him and acrimonious controversy. You feel this as deeply unfair, and feel misunderstood I feel pain. For about fifty minutes he tried to counter their arguments, to no avail.
then left the house.
took, as usual, brooding on the incident. And in thinking about what had happened, and responding to them mentally, he felt pain again.
He planned to blow off steam with someone who would understand and perhaps to prove him right.
Then he realized that would be enough not to do, namely allow the poison to flow without finding opposition. Neither opposition
in word or opposition in the thoughts in his mind.
The empty non-being that prevents an attack are solid. The move to the side, and drop your opponent - who wants to be opponents - just in a vacuum, where the force can do nothing.
The force needs to meet a solid element to assert their effects. He needs a solid element to exist. The non-being that is more powerful being.
He stopped brooding, and suddenly heard the sparrows chirping. Even before they were chirping, but not heard them, because his mind was occupied.
It felt good.


The silence which shows every single note is most important of the note. The empty space between the notes literally allows the music to be music.

"plasma is a container with clay, but
is the space inside that makes it useful.
masterfully Carved doors and windows, but
is the white space of the room you use.
The usefulness of what is,
depends on what is not. "