idly playing with pebbles.
Ogni santissimo giorno, anche se non avrebbe voluto, sbatteva violentemente la sua faccia davanti alla prova, sempre più inconfutabile, del fatto che tutti gli esseri umani, nessuno escluso, trascorrono la loro intera esistenza impregnati di un egoismo senza limite. Quando questa constatazione era riferita agli altri, ciò lo colmava di tristezza e amarezza. When it was aimed at himself - because he knew not at all constitute an exception to this rule - that made him angry. The sadness and anger deepened when mounted Doppiovubi reflected on this conviction, that the rule, the norm for the man or his natural state is to be thoroughly selfish, while Love is a real exception, it is difficult to draw, and in any case we must have an effort, a conscious effort and continued to swim against the tide, the river because of the instincts leads you inexorably towards your survival, and more at the expense of others and often with its oppression, towards meeting dei tuoi propri desideri, verso il tuo proprio godimento, ed ebbe un bel predicare Gesù, quando invitava ad amare il prossimo, e Doppiovubi avrebbe voluto essere lì a parlargli, per chiedere a lui, nella sua privilegiata qualità di sedicente figlio di Dio, qualche necessario chiarimento. Ed ecco che Doppiovubi decise tosto di partire, e in pochi attimi catapultò la sua mente duemila anni indietro, nel centro di Gerusalemme. Aveva previsto di materializzarsi in un luogo molto silenzioso, di raccoglimento, e invece capitò nel bel mezzo di un mercato, dove il rumore era assordante. Cercò Gesù con lo sguardo, dopo tutto non avrebbe potuto non vederlo, perché c'era andato apposta, con la sua mente, proprio per incontrarlo.
There he is.
saw him in a dusty corner, sitting on the floor, leaning against a stone wall, intent on fiddling idly with pebbles. Beside him, a young man who was dozing.
The so-called classical iconography had always portrayed with ethereal traits, a white tunic, a lean body and tall, handsome face and smooth, with a long beard and golden hues. A divine figure, indeed.
the contrary, Jesus was fat, filthy and dressed in a tunic. Gave off an unpleasant smell. He wore a beard yes, but short, spiky and half-whitened. The face had coarse features. He looked like a thug. For a moment a terrible thought crossed the mind of Doppiovubi, maybe not all had to condemn the wrongs , thinking that once drove reluctantly.
"Hello, Jesus," said Doppiovubi.
Doppiovubi Jesus looked up, smiled and greeted him warmly.
"Are you really so, as I see you, or are so only in my imagination?"
"I was really so, Doppiovubi. Because, as you thought you were? "
" Can you imagine tall, blond, with his coat linda ... "
" I know, as I imagined, so I have always imagined almost everyone. "
" There is a problem, Jesus If you are what you are - and you are, I think - you should already know, in advance, All that I am come to ask. So why should I ask, why do not you answer me directly? "
" Why is this dialogue should be written. And who will read it can not understand the answers without reading the questions. But let's talk quietly under that sycamore tree. "(Note: in the first version of this dialogue with Jesus, Doppiovubi wrote that Jesus away to the sycamore," said the young man next to him: "Peter, you stay here." But then Incidentally this was canceled as it was considered as a true banality, however, we know with reasonable certainty that Peter was really there, and Jesus Doppiovubi; the detail of the sycamore was first eliminated, then added again, under a variety of reasons that is not appropriate to disclose here).
Doppiovubi pretended to think where he was the sycamore. He had no idea how he made a sycamore. So he trotted back to Jesus, who chuckled to himself, because he knew, and more in advance, all that passed in the mind of Doppiovubi. And
Doppiovubi knew that Jesus knew.
was embarrassing. Doppiovubi, with an effort of lucidity, he began deliberately to slide rapidly hundreds of random images in the brain, some for the truth even obscene or disgusting, just to prove Jesus to have somewhat control of the situation, while being under constant observation.
Doppiovubi Jesus looked into his eyes, and smiled slyly.
"So Doppiovubi, I know you came here for me to ask why the man was not created naturally selfish and selfless. You just asked for the umpteenth time in your small kitchen, Sunday night at the GR1 you were not listening. So you've decided to make this bizarre journey. "
" Exactly, Jesus "
" You, therefore, believe that man was created naturally selfish? "
" Yes, I believe. Is not it? "
"In fact that's it, Doppiovubi. What in a broad sense - with you I can speak out, especially here - we can also call our father actually created man naturally selfish. "
" You go preaching all along that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. "
'It is true. I preach all the time. "
" This means that we should love our neighbor, it is a commandment. It means that by nature, naturally, do not love him. Mean that God has not arranged for the man love his neighbor, but above all to love himself. "
" It 's so. If you were God, how would you have created l’uomo?”
“L’avrei creato naturalmente altruista. Pensa che bello, Gesù, un mondo in cui tutti si amano, dove tutti pensano al bene del prossimo prima che al proprio. Dove se tuo fratello ti chiede la tunica, tu gli dài spontaneamente anche il mantello, senza che ci sia bisogno che un Gesù venga ad ammonirci di farlo.”
“Se l’uomo fosse stato naturalmente altruista, non sarebbe mai stato possibile quello che dici. Mio fratello non mi chiederebbe la tunica. Perché penserebbe che è meglio che io la tenga per me. Starebbe al freddo, piuttosto. Ma a quel punto io spontaneamente gli darei la mia, di tunica, perché anch’io sarei altruista. E lui proverebbe dolore, perché I would be deprived of my tunic. A world of untold suffering. "
" I can not refute, Jesus, because I made it this dialogue. Into the barrel in contradiction with myself. "
" In fact, I can not refute, but not for the reason you said. But let me tell you: you are here, in this your life, to make experiences. One of these is love of neighbor, self-denial - denial that actually is against nature - for the happiness of your brother. It is a profound experience as they transition from a state of selfishness, imperfect, in a state of selflessness, perfect. If God had created man naturally altruistic; this wonderful experience would have been impossible. Nor did God created man, in that case. The creation would be a useless act. The man really lives and gives meaning to its existence only if it comes from the self and moves outward, toward something else. The same creative act - the same energy, the explosion, even that primitive - an act that has a definite direction, from the inside out. The state of man, selfish, but is marked by the movement of the elements external to the self. Goes in the opposite direction in the creative act, and can not create happiness. It 'still an experience, which is also needed, but can potentially to implementation of the experience mentioned earlier, the experience of what we conventionally call love. "
" Jesus, take me a curiosity, since we are here. "
" Tell me, Doppiovubi, if I may, willingly. "
"Are you really the son of God, or you're just an enlightened?"
"Both things together. I've said many times. We are all, to use your expression, the children of God only that some, like me, they know, others do not. "
" Yet, as I said before, this dialogue, I invented it. What guarantee do I have what you say is right and true? "Jesus looked
Doppiovubi in the eyes, and smiled slyly.
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