Prossimamente: sindromi for dummies
I post in a joint Serbian-Taricone Cannavaro but I do not know if I want to write it.
But this morning I feel the need to give a small boost to my literary life and (hopefully) work. And by "little boost, I mean a severe scourging.
the long run I realized that I'm turning into a sort of paleontologist of the language: a paleoglottologo. The most depressing aspect of this process is the fact that the object of my studies is not extinct, as are now fossils and prehistoric beings. The language, as the primary means of literary expression, is in agony terminal and I will be chasing a dying man.
Someone gets angry with the general television, but nobody forces you to look at it.
There are those who point the finger at the Internet and e-books, but the truth is that this market does not exist in Italy and the bookshelves are literally full of books, almost all stuff for recycling.
Some people look shocked the awards ceremony of the Witch and shoot zero on authors, publishers, media. I am one of those.
None of this is the real cause of my loss. The error has been central
abysmal There is a separation between real life and that of the character of a novel. That obvious, you say. Not so much, I say. In my stories the characters have absolute freedom, something that I can not afford at any level in my life.
Their moral systems are defined and sharp, they receive the compromise as a deliberate insult, and can count on strong theatrical effect of their actions. Those around him, at whatever level, is an appearance. Outsiders are an opportunity or an obstacle.
In real life the same people who watch every week on Channel 5 Dr. House would not be able to relate to him if they happen to meet him really. Are intrigued by his outrageous and fascinating way to turn to others, but in support of this plot should have the sop the happy end of the mattress to know that he does to save lives.
also because a profile with the attitude of Gregory House, a doctor without the genius, it is essentially a serial killer such as Charles Manson or the Unabomber or Briatore.
I really bogged down in dynamic real strenuous, but now I have serious intentions.
can no longer afford to my real life to interfere with my intellectual life.
Now separate careers.
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