Wu Wei, vacuum, Aikido, dark energy and Parmenides.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom,
and the power to choose our response. "Viktor Frankl
Neuroscientist Benjamin Libet demonstrated that the decision not aware of acting is about 550 milliseconds before the decision, conscious , to take that action. The intention is, at a time before, in the unconscious. In Mind Time writes: "... the emergence of unconscious intention to act can not be controlled consciously. Only his final accomplishment as motor act can be consciously controlled. " We can choose not to do something, but we can not control the source of the signal that was going to push us to take that action.
The psychologist William James said that free will is exercised after the impulse to do something and actually doing it before. It is not free will. And 'free-will not .
Astronomers have calculated that the seventy-four percent of the universe consists of dark energy, which is added to the twenty percent of dark matter. It ignores the nature of both. The remaining four percent is visible universe.
We live in an invisible universe.
* *
For about fifty minutes his mother, the one who had generated the poison poured on him and acrimonious controversy. You feel this as deeply unfair, and feel misunderstood I feel pain. For about fifty minutes he tried to counter their arguments, to no avail.
then left the house.
took, as usual, brooding on the incident. And in thinking about what had happened, and responding to them mentally, he felt pain again.
He planned to blow off steam with someone who would understand and perhaps to prove him right.
Then he realized that would be enough not to do, namely allow the poison to flow without finding opposition. Neither opposition
in word or opposition in the thoughts in his mind.
The empty non-being that prevents an attack are solid. The move to the side, and drop your opponent - who wants to be opponents - just in a vacuum, where the force can do nothing.
The force needs to meet a solid element to assert their effects. He needs a solid element to exist. The non-being that is more powerful being.
He stopped brooding, and suddenly heard the sparrows chirping. Even before they were chirping, but not heard them, because his mind was occupied.
It felt good.
The silence which shows every single note is most important of the note. The empty space between the notes literally allows the music to be music.
"plasma is a container with clay, but
is the space inside that makes it useful.
masterfully Carved doors and windows, but
is the white space of the room you use.
The usefulness of what is,
depends on what is not. "
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