Together again.
He thought of all the couples she knew.
And I also think of all the couples who did not know.
imagined all the problems in the relations of all those couples, all of this Earth, and displays them, the problems as if they were objects, and saw silence, shouting, slammed doors, blackmail, tears, teeth, walking lonely in silence, in the evening, in tears, or ceilings set in the dark, and many sighs. Video Phones stopped abruptly, endless complaints with parents and repeated outbursts with friends and lovers with makeshift waiting to rob the place. He saw threats, look at that I'm leaving, he saw anger, another in my place he would have already left, he saw hatred, another in my place if they would be gone. He saw children crying secretly, that child would cry all the tears them, reached the age of reason, and children who would never be born, for this reason. He saw women misunderstood, he saw men misunderstood, misunderstood children he saw. He saw reason, he saw wrongs. He saw insults, he saw evil, saw mutual accusations and insults. He saw prostration, reply, things unsaid, brood and brood until obsession. He saw dead ends, blind alleys. He saw unexpressed desires of suicide or death of innocent coveted. He saw pain and distrust. He saw despair, frustration and loneliness. He saw the wounded pride. He saw millions of attempts at reconciliation fail miserably. He saw ineradicable guilt, transmitted by inheritance from parents to children, and even the children's children, as heavy assets acquired with the implicit duty of making a bloody treasure and return it intact to their children.
And above all this as a great, great, black cloud, he saw fear.
And Fear ruled everything.
So, he looked up, out the window toward the blue place where the soul has always suggested to be the place of God
Two birds, one pair of birds flying together chasing. Felici, crossed the sky.
She asked God to accumulate in his words as strongly as possible.
mustered all the energy of the universe, and formulated an idea.
The idea that all people are reading now, now all those who are reading these very words, were electrocuted in their hearts, by a desire invincible - unable to stop, preceded by a moment of intense emotion - to kiss and hug the person who had convinced a selected time, to walk together again.
And suddenly everyone, absolutely everyone, would smile, and would understand that No, there was no reason not to love the world again, and even more than before.
And now everyone would have kissed, and they would have forgiven each other for forgiveness never been more true, and the lovers would have run away on the phone to hear the voice of the other and to exchange words of love and sincere, the more sincere.
And now those who had already decided to split, they would come back together again.
And those who had already divided - and that would never have thought of poter ricominciare - non si sa come, sarebbero stati uniti.
Come il primo giorno, quando il cuore batteva forte e si aveva la convinzione di possedere la Felicità. Lo ricordi, vero, il vostro primo giorno? Lo ricordi, vero, il vostro primo bacio?
E tutti avrebbero giurato, l'un l'altro, di ricordare queste parole e questa emozione per sempre, e che mai più, mai più, mai più avrebbero consentito alla Paura di dividerli. E tutti sarebbero stati felici, e tutti avrebbero saltato di gioia e avrebbero ballato, e avrebbero ringraziato Dio per essere ancora insieme.
E questa idea fu assistita da una incommensurabile e imponderabile energia divina.
Incredibile a dirsi, funzionò.
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