Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tech Dech Onlin

Solidarietà per ED e Splinder merda

Splinder That is a shit is not news that news to me.
Whatever type of censorship that have implemented against ED * I is indigestible, therefore I welcome you with open arms to ED * on blogspot and, following the example of drink2 , republish that post Splinder has been removed.

Everyone wants to get the idea that, just remember that you are about to read is satire. Do not take it too seriously.

Scazzi Sarah's uncle is a bad person

Well, 'I wrote this joke:
"Sarah's uncle killed her for being a" waste "is nothing short of staggering. What has not fucked while still hot."
And then when I wanted to post the news came out that he had indeed raped post-mortem.
Scazzi Sarah's uncle is a really bad person, do not ruin it certainly beats.

The body was found after almost two months. According to his maternal grandfather who stank so much that he has not even found rice on the name of poor Sarah. Not to mention the name.
From the day of his death had been spotted 260 times. Certain that the tank had to be really popular in order to exclude the hypothesis of repeated throughout necrophilia.
The mother discovered the truth on television. Not be the worst this year, X-Factor.

Sarah was fifteen years and whole life ahead. His uncle must have a weakness for contortionists.
"I strangled her because I refused." What is the warning for the next that ignores my friend request on Facebook.
I speak seriously, the little Sarah listened to Avril Lavigne. What my uncle there is always more fun. A minor who refuses to have sex with a blood relative, then: yet she was also blonde.
"Sarah was the mascotte del gruppo", dicono i suoi amici. Ce la vedo bene, ora, nel campo pubblicitario delle pompe funebri.

Ciò che più dovrebbe sdegnare è certe cose avvengono sempre in famiglia. E io non posso correre il rischio di essere scoperto per via della superficialità di certe persone, cazzo.
Scioccante la confessione dello zio: "L'ho uccisa perchè mi rifiutava e poi l'ho violentata". Spero proprio che valga come attenuante. 


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