Se mi vedi felice in disparte
Party. Birthday. Over 30.
I could now publish the famous piece " you notice me more if I do not come or if I come and I'm alone " taken from Ecce Bombo, but the truth is that I feel more represented by another personaggio. Un personaggio che non avevo ben capito quando ho visto per la prima volta il film, e che oggi mi pare talmente calzante che guarda veramente cioè fai tu .
Arriva questo invito, la festa di compleanno di Tizio, si festeggia in Abruzzo (2 ore di macchina) il fine settimana visto che l'amico F. ci ospita nel suo alberghetto.
Sebbene io adori F. e consorte e sia stato già varie volte da loro in Abruzzo, alla telefonata di Tizio la mia mente si affolla di domande: seeeentiii, ma che tipo di festa è? Non è che è una di quelle feste dove si presenta uno con un cartone pieno di superalcolici, che alle 11 di mattina state già tutti con le Ceres e la sigaretta in mano?
Non è per caso una di quelle feste dove ci sono 3 coppie, una dozzina di maschi single allupati e due sole donne, una fidanzata e una un cesso? Non è che una di queste coppie ha dei figli piccoli che si cacano nel pannolone mentre siamo a tavola, vero?
Non si tratterà mica di una festa dove ad un certo punto qualcuno si avvicina allo stereo e mette su Bob Marley?? NON MI VORRAI DIRE CHE A UN CERTO PUNTO QUALCUNO PRENDE LA CHITARRA E SUONA!?!?!
Naturalmente non ho posto nessuna di queste domande, anche se sentivo want to do: I pretended.
Even now, I pretend.
It 's very difficult to decide what the hell to do when you go to a party for 36 years and you hope that a volcano sparse on the ground in the region where you live.
You wonder what's wrong when 10 males if they are on one side of a broken-down shot of gin in the other room and you instead you're sitting and phlegmatic, chatting with women. I am sure that the herd must have thought "that's half ricchione", but meanwhile I fucked hard and well in life, while two or three of them I would not say the same.
In the end, it was pleasant, a nice place and even if my body no longer holds the spirits (or are I do not want to devastation?) I can say that such a thing every six months is feasible. For friendship.
I leave the end of this post to a video I made this afternoon to properly express how I feel when I encounter people who sang and played folk songs of my land.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Icone, peperone, nani ASCII
This dialog Blogspot, full of small buttons but empty of content, it becomes more and more my own vision of the "old white sheet," which is what you find yourself in front when you become aware of having a creative block. Typical of writers.
This dialog Blogspot, full of small buttons but empty of content, it becomes more and more my own vision of the "old white sheet," which is what you find yourself in front when you become aware of having a creative block. Typical of writers.
But I are not blocked: is that the new neighbors are completing the move, and eat again with the drill. I get up, close windows and start again.
At one point, goes crazy and crashes Safari on my Mac at all and I am forced to turn off completely still for about 5 minutes - during which goes over the mantra that I learned in twenty years of experience as a user Apple reviews the situation carefully survey the signals that the monitor provides you, synchronize your mind on the faint sound produced by the rotation of the hard drive, feel the latency of the mouse, prepare your self to carry out routine periodic Cocktail, pump impellers.
I am not a computer expert, I understand enough to have taken a premature and unsuccessful trail in science. Keyword: bankruptcy. I'm not the kind of person who manages to fit in one's mind with simple concepts like "quadrics", "Joule" or "Capezzone.
To me it is natural to seek out the Anabasis, talk to the monads, revolutionize the feline ethology.
Nevertheless, I owned a Mac since the days of System 6 Classic, and I've had enough (including laptops, phones and gadgets) to become, in my immediate circle of friends, "what he understands Mac. " LDU exception, which was (and still is) my teacher and mentor to the Apple world.
In fact it's true: I've developed that sense I also add "Apple" in me, and it allows me to recognize the language spoken by Apple products when they are suffering. So, intuitively, whether it is software or hardware, and which of these components in particular is in crisis. Inwardly, I am guided through a preset series of movements that become a new primal instinct. As if when you get out of hand the pen, to resume the flight and continue to write. Welcoming, in the meantime.
Except when there is an "inexplicable and unsolvable mystery block of Apple products" ™.
Anyone who has ever owned an Apple product (a Mac, but also an iPod) sooner or later meets "MBIeIdPA" ™, and came out defeated. When this happens, the only thing to do is to turn off power and leave it alone for a while '. For how long, depends on the subject: 5-10 minutes for a 24-inch iMac, a half hour for laptops, iPods and so on for one night.
However, my "sense of Mac" has saved me and brought back safe and sound, to my desktop tidy. The hard drive icon (which is called as my main pg in World of Warcraft, you think), the icon of TrashIt! (Also because sometimes it decides that the Mac does not want you to use the Recycle Bin) and only two documents.
Here, let me share a thought rather vulgar, but please look at these two icons. One of the documents (the right) I saved on the fly during one of "MBIeIdPA" ™ on my iMac, and I could not even give it a name: it's called Untitled.
My Mac introduced me to these icons, tell me what kind of files, and then, looking good with the eye of the falcon, they explore the subtle traces of prey from 3000 meters high, it is noted that The icon is none other than a thumbnail that represents the exact contents of the first page of the document. So I le distinguo a occhio, e so che a sinistra c'è il mio Curriculum, a destra la bozza del nuovo regime alimentare... eh, lo so.
Questo è il mio Mulino Bianco, attorno a me non c'è un'aria di campagna con effetto Glow/Blur, non ci sono bambini ariani felicissimi che mangiano gallette alla scorza d'arancio che sembrano cucinate da Anthony Bourdain in persona.
C'è il mio computer con due bellisime, ordinate, intelligenti e funzionali icone. E pochi, sporadici momenti di follia.
Mi suona il citofono: è una comitiva di esperti e gente sveglia che vorrebbe mostrarmi alcuni volantini nei quali si narra la storia di quanto fa schifo Steve Jobs and how, on the contrary, Ubuntu was created by Jehovah himself. I communicate, apparently irritated that does not make sense to spend 2000 Euro on hardware that costs more than 700 from a friend and that they have assembled for free, they can add wonders to liquid cooling systems as adapted from that of a 911 Turbo damaged.
Not to mention the thousands and thousands of FREE software which are all more or less the same things he does ... I do not know ... such as iLife. But that shit is not Apple.
Of course, once you have the PC so is put a copy of Windows (not using it ever so ), and the result is this
The thing is closed, however, you are not a Apple fan, I'm a happy user (enough). All the drama Mac vs. PC does not concern me, I do not want to use PC and Mac-evangelize anyone. Once, perhaps, a bitten apple-shaped sticker could mean something, could restore a sense of "ok friend, I understand that you have understood," now adopted is pure mass marketing and the Mac is a household appliance. To each his own, and anyway the fan usually disturb me. As I do not like who enjoys quality an LCD TV, the capacity of your refrigerator, or the performance of his car, so I should detest one that comes to saying things like:
- Are you crazy? A Sony? But if it's all in Chinese, I have a 50-inch InnoHit DIY, but that shit where you only pay for the brand!
- I can give you some advice? Your washing machine Whirlpool sucks, with quell'oblò similplastica design in chrome! But what do you want to prove? You like me, buy a washing machine industry from 60 Kg, basalt and steel designed by a former NASA engineer. Even wash away sins. But
- sentry! What are you spending money with the Mercedes for half of the half when you buy a nice kit of a Caterham? 0-100 in 4 seconds and does not have all those useless things Mercedes, like the doors.
- elitist n00b! 1!
I have to quit because I have the sauce on the stove and it burns me. I know that I can not resume until early afternoon, and hope that I have not spent the time desk.
- 17:39 pm, I take a shit but I no longer have to say. In the sense that I lost the thread: where I wanted to get with the history of icons?
Looking back now ok, the icons with preview in nanometers is cool, but not enough to make us a post.
Least to mention the feud Mac / PC on which, moreover, do not change my mind.
My interpretation of writer's block is nonsense pour out on the Blog.
Coming soon: I want to talk about the blogs I read.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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Purché se ne parli... e intanto quello si scopa Belen
's new morning sun, when I go out on the balcony to hear him I am reminded of M. who yesterday claimed to be able to see the ash cloud Icelandic. In Naples.
's new morning sun, when I go out on the balcony to hear him I am reminded of M. who yesterday claimed to be able to see the ash cloud Icelandic. In Naples.
The fact that I was then reminded that long ago my father told me about chemtrails. In the sense that we believed.
But it's not that I want to talk about chemtrails, seeing as this is the best product trolling the Internet ever invented. If possible, the greatest achievement by supporters of chemtrails was to create a hype so perfect as to become myth.
plots of the fake moon landing and the Twin Towers should go without imploding from the guy who invented the story of chemtrails and take lessons.
The course would probably be held by that other genius who invents tales like nun's topless pictures on Facebook, by Paolini, or from what throws the colored balls down from Trinita dei Monti.
The course will be overseen by the Grand Council of Teachers who have the who invented Scientology, the one who invented God and the one who invented Fabrizio Corona. Ah, no, there really is Crown ...
Rector, Jacob.
What people do not understand, from my dear Milena Gabanelli (one of the last in Italy to remember what a journalist) is the concept of Troll.
no point in trying to converse with a troll. Its purpose is to systematically contradict and mock the other person, through specific techniques. It is not even in the purest sense of disinformation: the troll does not put the information around, because him just one. A photo of a trail to move through the sky of a city is more than enough.
The rest of the strategy is spamming the network: to write many, write anywhere, to highlight the denial of information given by others to discredit them, without, however, a shred of objective evidence or empirical.
The game is children that are mirror reflection, more or less the same and Ghedini Belpietro to speak. The one where you do not say a fucking important, but having one does in the face an expression that is to slap holding rackets from the beach.
Internet is ideally suited to this game: hundreds of twelve years old Web experts, but who know nothing yet of life, plus the whole generation of boomers (thanks Mr. Letterman) who "internet" and can not distinguish what is true and what is not.
So, my father believes the hoax (the "buffalo"), but does not know what they are. A little 'as do the men with God: they say that there is, that after death there is eternal life, and that should not be sex for pleasure (apart from the children of course) and they are all happy.
do not know exactly where I wanted to with this post: But I reflected on the fact that when you try to remove the buffalo theory to some people, you forget that you are dealing with experts disintegration of the communication process with people who are trained to trim down any opponent with brief interventions, hard, absolutely no content and completely irrelevant to the discussion.
short, as the Italian journalists.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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Wu Wei, vacuum, Aikido, dark energy and Parmenides.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom,
and the power to choose our response. "Viktor Frankl
Neuroscientist Benjamin Libet demonstrated that the decision not aware of acting is about 550 milliseconds before the decision, conscious , to take that action. The intention is, at a time before, in the unconscious. In Mind Time writes: "... the emergence of unconscious intention to act can not be controlled consciously. Only his final accomplishment as motor act can be consciously controlled. " We can choose not to do something, but we can not control the source of the signal that was going to push us to take that action.
The psychologist William James said that free will is exercised after the impulse to do something and actually doing it before. It is not free will. And 'free-will not .
Astronomers have calculated that the seventy-four percent of the universe consists of dark energy, which is added to the twenty percent of dark matter. It ignores the nature of both. The remaining four percent is visible universe.
We live in an invisible universe.
* *
For about fifty minutes his mother, the one who had generated the poison poured on him and acrimonious controversy. You feel this as deeply unfair, and feel misunderstood I feel pain. For about fifty minutes he tried to counter their arguments, to no avail.
then left the house.
took, as usual, brooding on the incident. And in thinking about what had happened, and responding to them mentally, he felt pain again.
He planned to blow off steam with someone who would understand and perhaps to prove him right.
Then he realized that would be enough not to do, namely allow the poison to flow without finding opposition. Neither opposition
in word or opposition in the thoughts in his mind.
The empty non-being that prevents an attack are solid. The move to the side, and drop your opponent - who wants to be opponents - just in a vacuum, where the force can do nothing.
The force needs to meet a solid element to assert their effects. He needs a solid element to exist. The non-being that is more powerful being.
He stopped brooding, and suddenly heard the sparrows chirping. Even before they were chirping, but not heard them, because his mind was occupied.
It felt good.
The silence which shows every single note is most important of the note. The empty space between the notes literally allows the music to be music.
"plasma is a container with clay, but
is the space inside that makes it useful.
masterfully Carved doors and windows, but
is the white space of the room you use.
The usefulness of what is,
depends on what is not. "
"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom,
and the power to choose our response. "Viktor Frankl
Neuroscientist Benjamin Libet demonstrated that the decision not aware of acting is about 550 milliseconds before the decision, conscious , to take that action. The intention is, at a time before, in the unconscious. In Mind Time writes: "... the emergence of unconscious intention to act can not be controlled consciously. Only his final accomplishment as motor act can be consciously controlled. " We can choose not to do something, but we can not control the source of the signal that was going to push us to take that action.
The psychologist William James said that free will is exercised after the impulse to do something and actually doing it before. It is not free will. And 'free-will not .
Astronomers have calculated that the seventy-four percent of the universe consists of dark energy, which is added to the twenty percent of dark matter. It ignores the nature of both. The remaining four percent is visible universe.
We live in an invisible universe.
* *
For about fifty minutes his mother, the one who had generated the poison poured on him and acrimonious controversy. You feel this as deeply unfair, and feel misunderstood I feel pain. For about fifty minutes he tried to counter their arguments, to no avail.
then left the house.
took, as usual, brooding on the incident. And in thinking about what had happened, and responding to them mentally, he felt pain again.
He planned to blow off steam with someone who would understand and perhaps to prove him right.
Then he realized that would be enough not to do, namely allow the poison to flow without finding opposition. Neither opposition
in word or opposition in the thoughts in his mind.
The empty non-being that prevents an attack are solid. The move to the side, and drop your opponent - who wants to be opponents - just in a vacuum, where the force can do nothing.
The force needs to meet a solid element to assert their effects. He needs a solid element to exist. The non-being that is more powerful being.
He stopped brooding, and suddenly heard the sparrows chirping. Even before they were chirping, but not heard them, because his mind was occupied.
It felt good.
The silence which shows every single note is most important of the note. The empty space between the notes literally allows the music to be music.
"plasma is a container with clay, but
is the space inside that makes it useful.
masterfully Carved doors and windows, but
is the white space of the room you use.
The usefulness of what is,
depends on what is not. "
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