Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spanish Condolence Card

Sentitevi una merda grazie all'UNICEF

WARNING: This post could ruin Christmas, then do not read it for any reason.

I always thought that focusing the camera on his face dirty and malnourished in a Negro child (especially if he is behind an object to be used as colorful background) was a trick to fuck for otterene photos that bring out the masses. I do not want my friend Lorenzo, who is a great photographer and enough, but I find it a bit a 'comfortable adopted by some.

also extends this reasoning to the video, at the height of the chain of exploiters of UNICEF's harrowing images. If you eat at least 3 hours, have you done lately tetanus and do not suffer from mitral valve disorders, watch this video . (No, I do not want to incorporate into the blog because I would not want someone going to see him here and I agree with this mess).

feel like shit! Ariane is evil, and it's all your fault that you stand in divano mangiando le Pringles! Tu sei lì che ti stai guardando Buffy per cazzi tuoi, ringraziando il cielo che la giornata è andata abbastanza bene, e desideri non avere pensieri per 40 miseri minuti... E BAM! Eccoti sparata la faccia disperata di Ariane, che ha 15 mesi ma pesa come una bambina di 4! Guarda il metro che misura la circonferenza del suo braccino minuscolo! La mamma è disperata perché la figlia ha fame e sete! E nessuno sa come fare, dipende tutto da te e dai tuoi 15 euro!!1!!111UNO!

Questi spot mi fanno girare le palle e mi fanno venire voglia di non fare mai beneficenza in tutta la mia vita. Ho 35 anni, e da tutta la vita qualcuno mi mette sotto al naso una foto dove si vede un bimbo black man who suffers. Not one who is smiling because he just ate, not one who has just saved his leg, not brothers and mothers finally met serene.

NO! You just know that the Black children die every 10 seconds while you stay LI 'A LOOK AT SEX & THE CITY! For every time you hear a joke that refers to a blowjob you can count to 10 and sbam a child is dead and it is your fault, you must feel like shit.

Ariane is no exception. The spot I saw the first time a week ago. Since then 10,080 children already have died for my starvation. Over the past year I have 524,160 left to die - but in some instances the data UNICEF says that nearly thirty thousand per day the children who die from this or that reason. As 30,000 a day? But this means that at the end of 2009 there will be 10,962,000 deaths, or nearly 11 million. Only children, and only by starvation, disease or the consequences of war.

I'm not sure how many births, but what is certain is that if you continue to stand there not doing shit, within 82 years, Africa will be completely uninhabited . While only 15 € you could save a child. If I had not bought the Smart you could save at least 1,000 children dying blacks. If I had not got the Cinquecento Sport your child you would have saved another 2000. If Christmas is not presents the 42 "Full HD to your husband, you can save 100. A little 'as the final scene of Schindler's List, where even the pants you wear are worth a life .

The mathematics of mercy is not is clear to me. I do not understand how do the people in poor countries to increase so much if all children die. I do not understand because we send priests and nuns there, who instead of teaching these poor Africans to use condoms and not infoiati fuck like marmots, and explained that all these children do not need to burst a fuck if their life expectancy is 5 years, if the missionaries sti fucking stop building churches and schools then le riprese della scuola VUOTA e farti sentire di nuovo una merda: ecco, avevamo fatto la scuola con i TUOI soldi, ma poi sono arrivati i guerriglieri, i pirati, i ninja e Godzilla e hanno sterminato i bambini sani, ché quelli malati non ce n'era bisogno.

Cattolici del mondo, spiegate agli africani di cui vi occupate che non devono per forza partorire ogni 9 mesi, e che possono scopare anche per solo piacere, ma devono usare gli anticoncezionali. Dite loro che non c'è bisogno di fare figli se non gli si possono garantire condizioni di vita dignitose. E già che ci siete spiegatelo anche ai napoletani. Provate ad investire quei 15 euro per l'importazione della RU486 nei paesi poveri.

Ma soprattutto, cara UNICEF, smettetela di farci sentire una merda per colpe che non abbiamo. Ci pensa già la vita a farmi sentire così, grazie. Sensibilizzare le persone è un gesto nobile, ma vi giuro che il prossimo dei miei gatti che contrae la FIP produrrò un reality nel quale riprenderò tutte le fasi della malattia, dal contagio, ai prelievi di sangue, alle flebo, al dimagrimento repentino, alle crisi neurali, gli edemi, le disfunzioni cerebrali, l'emolisi, la respirazione affannata, l'incoscienza e per finire l'eutanasia. Tutto in 3 settimane.

E quando avrò finito il video vengo a portarvi un bel DVD fin sotto casa e vi farò sentire una MERDA per i soldi che non avete dato alla ricerca per la FIP .

Scusami, Ariane. Ma che dico, tanto se non sei morta lo sarai fra 10 secondi.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mastercard® Inc. Uk. Winners

Domande e risposte

Una delle attività più strane nella gestione di un blog è il controllo periodico di Google Analytics.
La parte che preferisco è vedere il riquadro che si riferisce alle ricerche in Google che in qualche modo hanno portato al mio blog. Ci si possono trovare sempre delle perle che oggi voglio condividere con voi, e magari abbozzare qualche risposta.

Eccovi una succosa selezione di queste ricerche, e magari qualche risposta.

  1. Citations that no one can understand and - Many of these .
  2. What are these - They are called so the children of those born in the south.
  3. Where to sign the visa truth - In Chancery of the competent judicial body (do not know what that means). Beautiful "as the truth." I would like.
  4. Everything counts brainwashed - Almost from gormiti that these species also copy the Tokyo Hotel (and courage).
  5. The loalz - No doubt you will find everything here .
  6. The art of plagiarism - This is easy .
  7. shit Mike Bongiorno - Viewpoints .
  8. Rhinoplasty Luttazzi - I doubt that I ever made, and in fact I respect him.
  9. Write I love you in English - Te quiero.
Stand by me thinking what you think - The latest, as always, it strikes me. "Stand by me" to one of my age makes me think of a movie at least 20 years ago, based on a famous novel by Stephen King. Were you looking for a reflection on the film? The book? Reflections on life that you are in that story?
What strikes me, of course, is "what you think" final.

What you think? In general? At certain times? In that film?
I do not have an answer yet, but my next post will be dedicated to that.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tent For Basket Court

Future World - 3rd Edition

Today, November 9, 2009, 20 years after the Wall fell, I published the 3rd and final edition of "Future World", a work that, among various interruptions and various renovations have begun in the now away in January 1998 as an "offshoot" of school work, and then 'became autonomous under the title "A Modest Proposal," and for "future world" meant another work that I have not yet completed, and has begun to have both the content and the current name in the file "The future world 11a" which was last amended on January 25, 2000.
E 'was a great adventure that I hope one day bear fruit, but in terms of writing and' signed a book in which there will be no more 'changes and / or corrections. The ad is not without a touch of nostalgia ...


PS in the meantime I also added a blog on "Future World" (ie ' and others linked to it in other languages) a slideshow with the flags of 13 of the 15 states (including the "temporary" in Mongolia) and the UN.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cost Of Automotive Upholstery

Czech President Klaus signed

Today, November 3, 2009, the Czech Republic's eurosceptic President signed the Treaty of Lisbon will enter 'into force one month after the deposit of the ratification czech at the Italian Government. Here's an article

Union Sarda
( ) with the stages of the Treaty and its ill-fated predecessor, the Constitutional Treaty:
Today's decision by which the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic has given its' no impediment to ratification of the Lisbon President Vaclav Klaus has allowed to affix his signature on the Treaty, paving the way for its entry into force by the end of the year, probably on December 1 next year. Here are the main stages of the reform project, the birth of the European Convention today.
- February 28, 2002: The Convention is setting up in Brussels for EU reforms, chaired by Valery Giscard d'Estaing
- July 10, 2003: the Convention's work close with the adoption of the draft of the first European Constitution.
- October 4, 2003: in Rome under the Italian Presidency of the 'EU, the European summit kicks off in the work of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC), which should translate the draft Constitution a real treat.
- May 1, 2004: Ten new countries join the EU, which becomes composed of 25 partners.
- June 18, 2004: After two days of hectic negotiations, the EU summit meeting in Brussels under the Irish Presidency reaches agreement on the text of the European Constitution. - 29 October 2004, is signed in Rome at the Campidoglio, the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe ".
- May 29, 2005: France, through a referendum, says' no to the ratification of the Constitution.
- June 1, 2005: Even the Dutch rejected the constitution. - May 1, 2007: Bulgaria and Romania join the EU.
- October 19, 2007: After a long pause for reflection and complex negotiations, the EU summit in Lisbon to agree on the text of a new treaty to replace the Constitution.
- June 12, 2008: Ireland, through a referendum, rejects ratification of Lisbon: 53.4% \u200b\u200bof voters say 'no to the new treaty.
- October 2, 2009 is held the second Irish referendum on ratification of Lisbon, this time win, yes.
- October 29: The European Council is also introducing an agreement to opt out from the Czech Republic to the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.
- November 3: The Constitutional Court gives its clearance czech ratification: President Vaclav Klaus signed.

Who Has Tna Signed Lately

The Czech Constitutional Court has said yes to the seat

The Constitutional Court czech stated that the Lisbon Treaty is in conformity with the Constitution of the Republic, by removing the final obstacle to ratification of the treaty reforming EU institutions by the last of the 27 EU countries. As announced by Rychetský Pavel, President of the Constitutional Court, met today in Brno, the Treaty of Lisbon is therefore consistent with the Constitution czech. The court was asked to rule for the second time on the European document following a second appeal filed by a group of Czech senators. The high court has considered the treaty as a whole and dismissed the application by opening the door to final ratification after a long and bumpy journey.

eurosceptic President Vaclav Klaus had said he would await the decision of the Court of Brno to sign the treaty, having obtained an exemption from the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which allows you to Prague not to face new claims for compensation of three million Germans expelled from the Sudetenland after the World War II.
for the entry into force of the Treaty is now lacking only the signature of Klaus. It should now be only a formal step.

Via Il sole 24 ore

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Vintage Nimrod Tent Trailer

I videogiochi: fanno bene fanno male, sto bene sto maleee...

I expected a critique of video games (and their users) based entirely on ignorance, prejudice and intolerance was the prerogative of the Parliamentary Moige or turn. The
Moige, remember, is an autonomous movement made up of parents who leave their children in front of the TV watching the daytime because of their friends must race to sign a petition to prevent the agency. The critical Moige

all without distinction, including the cartoons (especially Japanese ones) and also extended comics.

addition to a comic book reader, a viewer of Japanese cartoons, an art lover and a mediocre writer, I am also a gamer, thirty-five, slightly overweight and very disappointed. And I worked for 10 years as an editor and then as director.
If art is, by definition, not "rich", certainly has enriched me, and did so through methodical doubt.

Citizens of the Internet, I come to you in this eternal court is freedom of expression to show here that this by Michael Caralis he lies, and insult me \u200b\u200bwith many of you for the sole purpose of appearing better and wiser than me and you.
However, listen patiently for me to prove it in simple terms that he does not know what he says because he does not know what it's about, and neither is conscious of not knowing.

Medda throws the stone and then hide the hand , is denied by comparison to learning the truth.

How would react if he came across Medda (And I am sure that it happened several times) in a case about equally hasty readers of comics? Because it is undeniable that there is (especially in Italy) a strong effect on those who read the comics - it begins with Mickey Mouse and all his life goes to explain why you dressed like Lum in a gathering of cosplayers.
We want to talk about those repressed, collectors set that to 13 years eagerly leafing through their accredited Dylan Dog in search of 'the box with the inevitable tit babe, ready to orgasm?

We want to mention that the comic and game share the genesis, methods, types of human user, social and cultural events of mass mutual influence and even purpose? If

, citizens, Medda "hates adults who play", then he hates me.
and exclude a priori all the caveats: not true to say that some games are not shit, because this applies to all forms of art: painting, music, cinema and literature. If art is art and beauty is beautiful, it is said that all artists are good. This goes for everything, and then generalize as well as you did, dear Michele.

He says that the game does not only want to play, but look for approval and makes you play yourself. Here, this attitude that I call passion (and sharing, if we want) is perhaps as rare among fans comic? I think not, and that he knows well. Although maybe he really prefers to remain stuck in traffic.

Gamers second Medda, are verbally aggressive, unreasonable and demanding.
This is true for football fans and football fans in general, for certain film club goers this page, for those who go to openings, and for all the communities that arise around a social aggregator - be it art or no.
How many gamers do you know? O based his opinion on the strengthening of such injury, enhanced by the many emails he has received hate? If
Medda is modern enough to have a website, will also be modern enough to be meet a minimum net? It will be quite aware of this world to understand concepts such 1337, nerd rage, trolls, haters, emphasis on anonymity ? He knows what it's like E-Sport?

Another question posed by Medda, how can they (the gamers) claim that the game is equated with art, for example, motion picture? "Because games are just games, while the film is not a game" , these are his words.
Medda (although it is a renowned writer, and writer, so hopefully educated) ignores the most basic roots of anthropology and ethology, and central role of play in the dynamics of learning, education, personal and social interaction, and even in maintaining good health of those who practice . Basically, the game revolves around a series of universes that instinctive training and contribute to the formation of the social so much stronger than does the sum of all the works of art that that individual will be able to see in the future.
The game is a basic pattern sentient beings, even at a level above that of art. And 'the very basis of knowledge and self-consciousness.
The game should be considered from this point of view: its evolution and cultural significance.
Who plays is not an idiot (not always, at least) , does not empty and repetitive actions. Even if you train your brain (both games with exercises or mathematical puzzles, and even through the artistic expression) is certainly not wasting her time, nor that of the people involved and with which it interacts.
The artist interacts with others in an indirect sense, intimate, cryptic, unique, vertical. The player makes a direct, disruptive, engaging, social, and horizontal light.
tool of the artist is the subject (or numbers, in the case of music, but also of science if we wish), that of the player are the rules of the game. The game is over, and assumes a role play (or play role, and we keep coming here) enables a learning experience and use and is repeatable.
The same thing can be said of a book.

The point, according Medda, seems to be that a game can not be enclosed in "sphere of the artistic process" (although it contains within itself proceedings taken by the artistic creation) because its purpose is not communication.
Video games do not tell a story because of lack of "narrative pact." And yet the game requires you
something diametrically opposite, requires you that despite the uproar, the change of scenery, movement speed, tu rimanga freddo e razionale. Per quale motivo? Perché giochi in vista di un risultato finale: che è esattamente misurabile, perché è la vittoria o, quantomeno, il miglior punteggio possibile.

Ed ecco, o Ateniesi, l'ignoranza che riluce possente!
A quali videogiochi si sta riferendo Medda? No perché il concetto di punteggio è limitato ad una quantità davvero irrisoria di videogiochi. Mi sa tanto che Medda è rimasto ai tempi di Pong e Donkey Kong - per altro, se il problema di legittimazione fosse dato dal "conto dei punti fatti" lo sport in quanto tale non avrebbe ragione di esistere.
Curiosamente, proprio Donkey Kong è il riconosciuto protagonista di un fondamentale cambiamento nel gaming world: it leads, in fact, the narration. I shall come back later.

"But a movie, even a trash movie, do not assign a rating, has no purpose, it is unquantifiable and not an end" - still thinking Medd.

What, then, the purpose of sport? Competition in general? I do not understand what makes a farmer who looks Brianza Christmas holidays better than Roger Federer, or Maradona. Or one that goes to the stadium.
Because if we talk about goals, then there is a common goal video games, sports and even cinema: entertainment .

Sacrilege! How dare support that cinema is entertainment?
Dear Michael, cinema is born and has established itself on the concept of entertainment , devoid of any artistic content that was just - if not for a direct dependence on the photograph (which in turn had to be done for her establish itself as a form of art expression, which was contrasted with the noblest painting). It 'actually born from a technological innovation, not as an artistic medium.
What was, otherwise, the foundation's artistic well-known series of "film" people on trains and in stations of the Lumiere brothers?
And what the motivation of the revolutionary Russian filmmakers, if not the visual representation of historical facts, in search of right language film?

Medda, you do not keep no account of the fact that the film itself has gone through basic steps to advanced techniques and technologies that have forced most of the first cinematographers (not even exist, the distinction between Director and Director of Photography) to work on the concept the film itself! To this were then invented and improved technical aspects such as editing, musical accompaniment (later sound), lighting - all professions that today, under the enlightened guidance of the director, become part of an artistic work.

can perhaps say that, if deprived of these elements, cinema is art anyway?
And how can you say that, if prior to the birth of the scripts were used theatrical or literary texts?
How, though today even the smallest independent production develops a fundamental element of the film is the storyboard? And what a storyboard if not a kind of sequential storytelling? And how to justify the presence of the storyboard, as it happens, during production of a video game?

We want to talk about music? No, because if just search Google with Nobuo Uematsu and / or "Video Games Live." Go 'and learn, son.

Well, even (indeed especially) video games have undergone a process of acceleration technology, due largely to the fact that the game in sé richiede l'esistenza di una data tecnologia, senza la quale sarebbe impossibile realizzare determinati progetti. Aggiungerei a questo che, a parte la NASA e l'ambito militare in genere, il videogioco ha contribuito in maniera fondamentale allo sviluppo ed alla diffusione di massa di talune tecnologie che oggi paiono ovvie.
Tali fasi hanno permesso ad ALTRI media artistici di evolversi: la computer graphic nel cinema (ora dirai che è merda ma anche Kubrik usava gli "effetti speciali"), la fotografia digitale (ora dirai che è merda al confronto con la pellicola, ma i fotografi ti daranno torto), l'audio digitale (ora mi dirai che è merda rispetto al vinile, ma questo è il classico giudizio da nerd cinquantenne, ne converrai) and so on.
But the real revolution, and when you say it is absolutely false, it was the arrival of the narration in the game. In the form of a small "pool of pixels" that move to be a gorilla climbing a ladder with a kidnapped princess in his shoulder, a little 'little, but not too distant medieval iconography. It was, in fact, the middle ages of gaming, the genesis of something that now exceeds the market share movies, music, photography and comic books put together. I understand that this may be a little nibble 'livers and languish in the portfolios of those who work in these areas: Losing is always bad.

The quantity and quality of innovation-related (short for other) history of the game threatens to dwarf the purists who prefer to deny that this is true.

course, someone can always claim to appreciate the graphics, music, the rhythm of a game like appreciating a good movie. But consciously lies: while you're not enjoying the games graphics or do you influence by the music. Are you thinking to jump higher, not to skid when cornering, to shoot straight and take out all opponents. To which, of course, do not try no mercy.

See, you do not know what you mean. You're like those that make parliamentary questions to prevent the spread of the terrible game Carmageddon (a shit assurda vecchia di 10 anni che ha fatto un flop terribile di vendite, come è giusto che accada ad un prodotto scadente, o ad un artista incapace).
Tu non hai mai giocato evidentemente ad un gioco anche solo decente. Non conosci Ico e Shadow of the Colossus , non conosci il concetto di sandbox , non sai cosa sono i giochi di simulazione, non hai mai studiato il concept di Farhenheit o Assassin's Creed non comprendi il concetto di rappresentazione parodistica (ed estremamente profonda) della realtà quotidiana rappresentato dalla serie Grand Theft Auto perché ti fai impressionare dalla scena di uno che spara ad un altro - ma scommetto che guardavi Starsky & Hutch, Magnum PI, or at least, if not we are being really bad.
What then is a simulation game of war does not matter: if you make the military is fine, if you pretend not. Hypocrite.

think the game is summed up in its result, or whether you won or lost. Ignoring that are games where you do not win or lose, but you're playing for the sake of playing , to prove (or, "get involved" ), you do not understand the concept of fun and entertainment (and I repeat that cinema today is much more an entertainment market that art, in addition to the fact that the cinema has given birth to the monster that is the TV ). You are a sad person, Michele.
And you do not know what is the replay value . And tell me you've seen "The Usual Suspects" 10 times and each time is like the first. Hypocrite (repetita iuvant).

Most modern video games from a group of graphic artists (including many comic books) that deals with a phase called, not surprisingly, art.
E 'in the phase that is an artist who "directs" his team (a little' as the workshops of painters) in pursuit of an artistic project. The identity and role of these artists, as well as their talent, determines the outcome of the process. It is not at all certain that the result is a "product" rather than a "suggestion", if you know what I mean.

omit the blunder "the advertising is not art" because it confuses the message (the commercial) with the medium (the short film, which otherwise is to film as the story is the novel, and in both cases, the artistic challenge is greater when the expressiveness and low or very low). Advertising is not art, we agree, but we can not say the same of all the commercials or music videos (often considered, rightly, works of art).

say that time is a gentleman, but you deny the facts, as well as your own words.
Furthermore, if your problem is that words alone are not enough for gamers to change your mind, maybe just the fact that the "journalism" (perhaps he means "non-fiction"?) you say is lacking to support these ideas, not really missing at all. Apart from the many books in foreign languages, in Italy there is a publishing house which publishes the only non-fiction entertainment. We can only inform and to want to compare.

'll end overtime to believe in violent video games addictive to children and lead them into dangerous acts of emulation.
They said the same of Wrestling on TV.
They said the same of Japanese cartoons.
They said the same of some books.
They said the same children who were thrown from the windows thinking they could fly like Superman, their favorite comic book hero!

Beware: your reasoning, you see, are dangerous because they speak of things that do not know, and say you hate something that you think you know, by virtue of things that you say you know but do not know.

And now, finally, I can sit down in the tub and let the blood gush from my wrists cut. Without fear.

Making Sausage From Hamburger

New target: Michele Medda

E 'possible for a man of almost 50 years, and estimated professional Italian artist, who sports a certain amount of erudition is (yet) even a snooty mixture of platitudes and vintage pure ignorance?

course it is, judge for yourself .

Michele, I'm taking some time because you need to respond thoughtfully to the very big pile of crap you wrote, but I want to make it easy.

In preview, I quote the concluding sentence of your fine article:

In the meantime, if you want, I'll take care of gamers ...

not want you to deal with you, for heaven's sake.
Occupied perhaps to revise some 'logical analysis of texts: you will also be a notorious writer, but that "I" ... ouch ouch ouch, Medd.

correct wording would be: "of the gamers I deal with me."

What you have You wrote, translated into Italian means "I take care of the players I players."

'll be a tasty meal, see you soon.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Are The Oldest Running Cartoon Shows

Germany renounces in favor of the European Union

Sensational turn yellow-black of the future government on the request for a permanent seat for Germany in the UN Security Council. According to the weekly 'Der Spiegel' in the course of ongoing negotiations for the formation of new coalizione tra Cdu/Csu e liberali, ci si e' accordati su una nuova linea, in base alla quale il futuro governo di Angela Merkel e Guido Westerwelle si battera' per far assegnare un seggio permanente all'Unione europea. Con questa svolta la Germania si allinea sulla posizione da sempre sostenuta dall'Italia, che si era vigorosamente impegnata in favore di un seggio per l'Ue, opponendosi alla richiesta di un seggio per la Germania, avanzata prima dal governo rosso-verde di Gerhard Schroeder e poi mantenuta anche dalla Grosse Koalition, uscita clamorosamente bocciata dal voto del 27 settembre scorso.


Doujin Moe Pokemon Dawn

Polish President Kaczynski signed the Treaty of Lisbon

Con una cerimonia in Polonia a Varsavia in cui was attended by Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the Parliament and the Council's Jerzy Buzek, Fredrik Reinfeldt, the eurosceptic President Kaczynski signed the Treaty of Lisbon. Now the process must be completed in Ireland (House, Senate and signature of President Mary McAleese), however, given for granted and signed in Eurosceptic Czech President Klaus that it appears they are convinced that the Czech Republic has provided the opt-out on Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Peerage of Great Britain and Poland.
Then the ratifications of Ireland, Poland and the Czech Republic must be filed with the Italian government as is the case for all treatments since 1957.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bible Online Picure Area

Yes' (67 , 1%) in the Irish referendum

Giorio October 3 there 'was the counting of results of the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland have won it 'with 67.1% of the votes against 32.9% of no. Now there will be 'the parliamentary process in Ireland (for which there are no hitches), and the President of Poland, Kaczynski said he will vote' soon. A different view and 'Czech President Klaus who wants to wait until the Constitutional Court of his country, but also the likely victory of the Tories in the elections to be held in Britain next year.

Pokemon Soul Silver Has Wpa

G20 instead of the G8

The G20 days from September 24 has taken the place of the G8, as noted in a statement (by some as too outspoken), the U.S. administration seconds cui i leader «hanno messo il G20 al centro del loro disegno per costruire uno sviluppo duraturo ed evitare le debolezze finanziarie che hanno portato alla crisi».
Analizzando il G20 secondo lo schema del Mondo Futuro:
1) Nord America: i 3 principali Stati (Canada, Stati Uniti e Messico) hanno ciascuno 1 seggio: il Nord America e' rappresentato quasi perfettamente;
2) Sud America-Oceania: i 3 principali Stati (Brasile, Argentina e Australia) hanno ciascuno un seggio): questo "continente" e' ben rappresentato, ma meno bene del Nord America, dato che l'Argentina e' abbastanza piu' piccola del futuro Stato "Arcope";
3) Eurosiberia: vi sono 4 Paesi Europei (Germania, Francia, Regno Unito e Italy) 1 more than likely to enter 'the EU (ie' Turkey), the European Union and Russia: a total of 7 representations, then the Eurosiberia and 'over-represented;
4) Africa: a single country, South Africa : Africa and 'under-represented;
5) Asia: 6 countries: Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia, China, Japan, South Korea: Asia and' over-represented, in particular, and 'over-represented the Far East (3 countries ).
Overall, the G20 could be more 'balanced if it turns into a G22 with the northwest African country (eg Nigeria) and a northeast African country, for example Egypt, but it' s very far from the perfection of my "G15" comprehensive che prospetto nel Mondo Futuro. In ogni caso cosi' com'e' e' molto piu' equilibrato del precedente G8, diciamo che e' un passo avanti nella giusta direzione.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Disney Channel Uk Auditions 2010

Non si finisce mai di insegnare

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Head Feels As Though It Is Woosy

A volare sono solo le vocali

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gay Wrestling Facebook

Ma che fatica...

I'm trying to write a post on the Italian soldiers, their deaths and everything that follows.
exhausting. Any direction I take will bring me only social contradictions, and I will explain ferocious and senseless attack.
The announcement myself, and yet, I want to finish it and publish it. How to say

Elio e le Storie Tese " careful that you do not explode in the ass! .

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Max Nutro Dog Food Orange

BED by Geco was dying! To be truly forward

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Apologies For Missing A Wedding

Elected to European Commission President Barroso

Ieri, 16 settembre 2009, e' stato eletto Jose' Manuel Durao Barroso a Presidente della Commisione Europea con 382 voti a favore 117 astenuti e 219 contrari sui 718 presenti e i 736 parlamentari totali. Ha ottenuto cosi' la maggioranza assoluta (il minimo era 368) che gli permettera' di essere legittimato anche dopo l'entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona.

What Does A Mississippi River Boat Look Like?


Friday, September 11, 2009

Azathioprine Ulcerative Colitis

good start ...