Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who Has Tna Signed Lately

The Czech Constitutional Court has said yes to the seat

The Constitutional Court czech stated that the Lisbon Treaty is in conformity with the Constitution of the Republic, by removing the final obstacle to ratification of the treaty reforming EU institutions by the last of the 27 EU countries. As announced by Rychetský Pavel, President of the Constitutional Court, met today in Brno, the Treaty of Lisbon is therefore consistent with the Constitution czech. The court was asked to rule for the second time on the European document following a second appeal filed by a group of Czech senators. The high court has considered the treaty as a whole and dismissed the application by opening the door to final ratification after a long and bumpy journey.

eurosceptic President Vaclav Klaus had said he would await the decision of the Court of Brno to sign the treaty, having obtained an exemption from the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which allows you to Prague not to face new claims for compensation of three million Germans expelled from the Sudetenland after the World War II.
for the entry into force of the Treaty is now lacking only the signature of Klaus. It should now be only a formal step.

Via Il sole 24 ore


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