Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tech Dech Onlin

Solidarietà per ED e Splinder merda

Splinder That is a shit is not news that news to me.
Whatever type of censorship that have implemented against ED * I is indigestible, therefore I welcome you with open arms to ED * on blogspot and, following the example of drink2 , republish that post Splinder has been removed.

Everyone wants to get the idea that, just remember that you are about to read is satire. Do not take it too seriously.

Scazzi Sarah's uncle is a bad person

Well, 'I wrote this joke:
"Sarah's uncle killed her for being a" waste "is nothing short of staggering. What has not fucked while still hot."
And then when I wanted to post the news came out that he had indeed raped post-mortem.
Scazzi Sarah's uncle is a really bad person, do not ruin it certainly beats.

The body was found after almost two months. According to his maternal grandfather who stank so much that he has not even found rice on the name of poor Sarah. Not to mention the name.
From the day of his death had been spotted 260 times. Certain that the tank had to be really popular in order to exclude the hypothesis of repeated throughout necrophilia.
The mother discovered the truth on television. Not be the worst this year, X-Factor.

Sarah was fifteen years and whole life ahead. His uncle must have a weakness for contortionists.
"I strangled her because I refused." What is the warning for the next that ignores my friend request on Facebook.
I speak seriously, the little Sarah listened to Avril Lavigne. What my uncle there is always more fun. A minor who refuses to have sex with a blood relative, then: yet she was also blonde.
"Sarah was the mascotte del gruppo", dicono i suoi amici. Ce la vedo bene, ora, nel campo pubblicitario delle pompe funebri.

Ciò che più dovrebbe sdegnare è certe cose avvengono sempre in famiglia. E io non posso correre il rischio di essere scoperto per via della superficialità di certe persone, cazzo.
Scioccante la confessione dello zio: "L'ho uccisa perchè mi rifiutava e poi l'ho violentata". Spero proprio che valga come attenuante. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cute Tanning Bed Slogans For Signs

Dimmelo tu chi sono AKA il mio curriculum online

Caro blog,
mi capita sempre più spesso di accendere la tv (e già 'm wrong here) and going to outbursts of middle-aged men, to illiterate illiteracy limit, laid off employees, temporary-to-mobilized members of (insert name of union) and very angry with (insert name of CEO).
'm angry because (their words) can not do anything, have only ever done that work, have families (usually large) to maintain and live in a disadvantaged area and no alternative employment. Speak with a Neapolitan accent the emotional effect and greatly increases the likelihood that sooner or later an "independent filmmaker Italian" make us a movie severed artery.

's all true, in Campania in fact there are large firms that provide work, people usually take family and nobody can do shit. I also live here and are field for 36 years. Also I'm just like those gremlins that they camp on the roofs of buildings to protest with chants union, hunger strikes and tends to Decathlon, unemployed for several months.

The difference is that I have not been tied to a gate, I was not on fire, I have not blocked the bypass, I do not Allucci (trans. "screaming") to the TG3 I am without pay from 5 months, cursing him in dialect are not finished on Youtube for the mockery of the people on Facebook. A few days ago one of them said that with the current situation that has a family and did not work in this region has no more hope and can only commit suicide. And indeed it is true, is sometimes feel like throwing in the towel.

Only I know something to do. Actually I have always made my ass, instead of parking it in comfortable situations on the farm, in factories or in the mall parking to do their abuse.
And now they all say the Curriculum Vitae. The CV, I remind you, there is not a dick, does not help in any way in evaluating a person's ability, and especially not answer the question "What are you?". A plumber? A baker? An accountant? How do you say what you're in a couple of pages? How do you discard those with little information? Oh, yeah, I forgot that Italy is in the attachment to work, the CV is a mere formality.

Here, then, my Curriculum Vitae, no holds barred. Maybe in the end, my blog, I know you say a thing like me should do for a living.

I attended the High School, finished with a paltry 42, which is not bad I did not count that shit for 5 years. I struggle to remember myself with a book in hand, if an exception is made for the magazine Excelsior (and in that case, it was a book in my hand).
In contrast, the last year I participated in the production of a newspaper class. It may seem like a crap, but thanks to the foresight of his LDU that paper was a remarkable event was fully implemented the computer was formatted in a professional manner and made with great care in a time when other schools in the badge photocopies of articles written in ink on paper protocol. I was then even the most experienced of computer science and technology among all my friends (except for LDU, but there does not count because he knows more than ALL) and I knew as a graduate in English language.
At the same time I learned how to use turntables and mixer and for some years I was a DJ also quoted enough. We speak of times when the city was only a big club and no more than two well-known DJ. I had less than 17 years and did two parties a week (and I was paid), I disco nights and my boxes do not mix fought. Here too it seems nothing, but it was then that I learned to understand and measure musical time, and I gained a sense of rhythm and my first pseudonym.

A year of transition, in which I left behind my adolescent past idiocies, false friendships, ignorance, techno music and virginity. I went to work as an animator in the summer to earn some 'money (and have sex), I met my great mentor and teacher and I joined that niendetimeno in Aeronautical Engineering. I wanted to design aircraft.
After a semester of analysis (with a thirty year old teacher who called all "trivial") have been seized by an attack of awareness, a afternoon trivial integrals and derivatives: San Paolo stadium (which is exactly opposite to the right) there was an afternoon concert by Baglioni. It was sunny and the air felt shitty songs and screams of thousands of girls getting wild. The sound of life.
I gave a review of computer science, I left and went right to work for the company of my father. I had turned 19 and I had been appointed head of Italy for a project of the Fujinon Europe, for which I have often had occasion to visit Germany. Ok, in that case was "recommended", but I worked hard and I got my rewards.

I'm joining the faculty of Arts, where for three years grind 4 exams per session, narrowly missed an average of 30 (I 29.7), my passion for sports cars, attend the ether as a radio amateur, I find a great passion for cinema and, above all, finally beginning to write. I write everything from short stories to essays on drafts of the novel. But above all, study like crazy and I read everything.
Towards the end of the second year of university I had already finished all the exams that I could bear and there were no courses to follow, so I decided that I would learn something as you do a movie, and I showed up at a TV production companies for to the trainee (at the time they did not use this term merdosissimo, was called only Gavetta). I rolled up cables, plugs and related fact shooting the shit for a year, then I moved to the assembly (analog, that is, with video recorders and controllers). At the time we started to talk about the early digital editing systems, with computers and expensive unavailable. I was a Mac user (obviously) and I had heard of a program (Adobe Premiere) that lets you install on your computer. The company where I did an internship he had no idea what it was, as almost no one in Naples. So I had to go around for Italy at my expense to learn these systems.
In '97 I averaged more than other so that I apply for an Erasmus grant and I choose the destination that you prefer: Barcelona. Wraps up my things, including computer and VCR, and get ready to go.
Meanwhile, my teacher and mentor asked me to write a novel to publish.
Barcelona discover what sucks the Italian university, to learn that there are no tests compatible that I can do there (I've already paid all in Italy), for so I decided to take advantage of the six-month "vacation" and learn English and Catalan, I realize my first digital editing and writing the first draft of the novel lovers who were not ever . A monster of 420 pages.
When I go back to Italy I find myself being the only one around to understand a little digital editing, then go into the thing and do a couple of crucial choices: while all analog tapes are breathless with the switchboards and Premiere, I step to the DV to firewire and Final Cut Pro (Note: This info is a bit 'by insiders).
In the little free time I start to play the drums, he formed a small group to play at a good level, so that I can even earn something. The love for music leads me to learn much about audio equipment and software to make music, and broaden my career opportunities.
For about four months, and for various reasons that I am not to deepen in the middle of '98 I live in Scotland where I help out as pizza and barman. Long story short, I have to go back to Italy where I still work as an editor. At that
point I have 24 years a real specialized work and I decide that I want to live alone. I create my own little company, he left the university and I start working full-time as an editor.
I find my first cat in the street (will be followed by another eight years), I get passionate for video games, "smart" and find the Gran Turismo series (Note: This is the stuff of nerd, never mind).

The activities of my small company becomes a platform for large projects. For almost ten years if you are south of Rome and you have to do a professional job you have to come from me.
If you wanted to buy a Mac and equipped to do video editing, you had to call me. Even the official dealers Apple mi chiamavano come consulente, fin quando ho iniziato a fornire direttamente io i sistemi ai privati, alle scuole di cinema e così via.
Inizio anche ad essere chiamato come docente in corsi di regia e montaggio, insegno in quasi tutte le scuole della città, tengo seminari e workshop nelle Unverisità, ad alcuni Convegni e in un noto salone del Fumetto; inizio a specializzarmi anche nelle riprese con telecamere digitali, studio fotografia digitale, compongo le basi sonore delle cose che monto, imparo a fare grafica animata per i video, poi passo alla regia e alla realizzazione di progetti più complessi per reti televisive locali e nazionali.
Apro anche il mio primo blog, quando in Italia ce n'erano forse una decina. E riesco comunque to never become famous as a blogger. WTF.
my Mom as I pull it, sometimes.

In 2008 I find myself hating my job, to do so for more than 12 hours a day, to hear me say again that cost too much and there's a nephew / friend / acquaintance who also has his camera and computers and that does the same job for $ 100. The "advantages" of digital penetration.
We are in the land of rubbish, the one where the weddings account for 90% of the turnover of those who live by the videomaker, or photographers. I could not compete, and I refused to do weddings and ceremonies.
I was without a purpose, angry, exhausted, disappointed, I did not written anything for years, there was nothing in front of me. And many personal vicissitudes, however I end up working in the family (after swearing to myself that I would never have done) because at this point I have over 30 years and I need a job economically stable.
still learn a lot in the management of a company and study things like ISO certification, privacy law, I deal with the computerization and digitization of the company, write contracts, internal rules Adjustment Safety, and the full range of harassment possible for which should go to read The Process of Kafka, and also his story Before the Law.
Survive this way until early 2010 when I sacked because I can not stand that life.

From that moment I'm unemployed, I have a stable life and I have no savings or hidden treasures. I have to work for a living.

I ask for a Curriculum Vitae, and I can live with them: carefully fill in the boxes on the table with addresses, dates, job titles, specializations. But that small page A4 PDF does not say anything about me, my abilities, my skills.

What are they? A mediocre film? A failed writer? A computer without talent? A little impatient manager? A genius unexpressed? One lazy dick? A nerd is no longer rock hippie?
You decide, dear blog.
too, an occasional player that you found this page by accident, and that if you're also the CEO of a large communication company that sees the potential in the author of this CV delusional.
Did you just occurred to me that you are looking for an artistic director, a qualified staff, a supervisor at work, a consultant or even a vice president.
Here, dear manager of way, what I can do very well, the characteristic that sums up my CV: I know understand what others are doing, and I know I can do it better. And then I teach others how to do it better and I know how to do it even better plan, and will be the best in five years. And all this while I was strutting like Belen Rodriguez but without her tits.

Ah, are a type very ironic. I think. And
hide encrypted messages in almost everything I write.