Saturday, June 7, 2008

Deagle For My First Gun

For fans of rock (and neighborhoods) in central Italy, this year there is no excuse: there was a great festival, thus free from commitments on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 July for the Festival Soundlabs (The 28 I have bjork concert in Verona ... aiutoooo!) In that weekend will be the twelfth edition of Soundlabs Festival, which even the 2008 edition will take place at the ar and concerts Source Elm Stadium in Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE), a stone's throw from one of the most beautiful beaches of the Adriatic (and therefore you can combine pleasure with pleasure on leaving to the beach). Abruzzo is the land of my mother. I know him well and every time I go there (very rarely) I realize that is a wonderful place ... the sea, mountains, hills .. there is all that is asked and even the rock festival :-) Until now, these names are confirmed (and it would be enough already): Mogwai, Blonde Redhead, Micah P. Hinson, Girls In Hawaii, Offlaga Disco Pax, Lightspeed Champion, Port-Royal. I think that's enough! of the festival says "The Soundlabs no longer intimidates the presence of the most prominent European festivals, is presented not only on the Italian market increasingly fragile, but have the presumption to appear calm on the international market, with a plan di comunicazione che prevede un'intensa attività promozionale in Francia, Spagna, Belgio, Germania, Gran Bretagna e Austria. E chissà che la nostra proposta di spiagge assolate, buona tavola e di musica meravigliosa non desti curiosità anche fuori i confini nazionali!"


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