Changes in the galaxy "Future World"
The galaxy of blogs "Future World" is enriched with 18 themed blog in Italian based on the 15 States and 3 international actors provided in the essay "The Future of the World." The items will be covered by the main Italian and international online newspapers that publish articles in Italian, while the personal comments will be confidential to the blog and my main blog http://mikelogulhi.blogspot . com .
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Best Tripod For Canon 400d
Peacefully lying with his hands behind his neck.
(Nota del curatore del blog: sembrano essere passati duecentosedici giorni dall’ultimo post, ma, in realtà, non è trascorso che un fugace istante. Come il lettore tra breve constaterà, alcuni importanti protagonisti del post che segue non appartengono a questo mondo, quindi il concetto di tempo non è applicabile. Almeno, per quanto li riguarda).
Mentre Doppiovubi ritornava a catapulta nella sua cucina, e si chiedeva con notevolissima perplessità – fissando con sguardo da suricato la radio a cubo Brionvega, di colore rossastro sbiadito, che ancora trasmetteva dal canale Rai notizie addomesticate – se, alternativamente, avesse sognato o, peggio, fosse impazzito o, peggio ancora, fosse stato tutto vero, e mentre appunto il disorientato Doppiovubi si chiedeva tutto questo, Gesù – pungolato proprio dalle domande del nostro, diciamo così, eroe - decise di recarsi da suo padre a sottoporgli una questione molto importante.
In effetti, si deve sapere che Gesù, sebbene innanzi ai (comuni) mortali palesasse un’estrema sicurezza di sè, viveva attanagliato da dubbi di ogni sorta in ordine alla sua missione terrena, perché suo padre - ormai era chiaro - gli aveva sempre tenute nascoste parti essenziali of the overall project. Jesus could not tolerate, and even had come to believe that his father never trusted him. Precisely for this reason, when father and son had quarreled bitterly, was when the disciples had asked Jesus when the end times would come and he could hardly hold back the blush that suffused her face, staying faithful to the principle of truth had been forced to respond that only his Father knew, that the disciples were amazed and watched one of them - no names here, that's not really the case - he had even given the elbow to another, and Jesus had noticed this blinking, and hence clumsily pretended not to notice, and the disciple who had winked he realized that Jesus had noticed, in short, a complete disaster, a severe blow to its credibility structured so patiently over many years of preaching, and fortune that none of this was leaked in the written word, if not the dry and cryptic statement of Jesus (ndc: the reader well ask where on earth they come from apocryphal confidential information, which seem to border on blasphemy, the editor of the blog reserves the right to reveal her sources - possibly - in an upcoming post in any case, the sources will be announced at the end of time). As we said, shortly after, the skies, a furious argument broke out this time because his son did not want listen to reason and demanded trust. Father, if you do not trust me, you could also avoid sending men, son, you know I'm slow to anger, but be careful not to take advantage, and so on. Finally he found a compromise: God promised to his son that he would reveal every detail of the plan, but only after his earthly death. Jesus, a little 'naively accepted the transaction and quiet, except to understand, unfortunately too late - but the agreements are respected, especially when one party is omnipotent - that the question that he was anxious and even more pained him, or the 'essential theme of lack of trust of a father to his son, had been completely unresolved.
Ordunque, back to us. The material form of Jesus out of sight, under the sycamore tree, just a little sheep became aware of the phenomenon and fled to a forest stand, and terrified bleating.
Jesus stood before the father so, in the kingdom of heaven.
It was exactly at this point in history that Doppiovubi wondered whether it was right or not to reduce humanity to the holy figures, as if they were gods of Olympus, thus risking the farce. Then he said, the man can not rely only to symbols, that is, understanding tools that are compatible with his material condition and over. Over all, the dialogue was set to happen really - if the occurrence, e quindi di divenire, possiamo parlare in un luogo immutabile ed eterno, se di luogo possiamo parlare dove non esiste materia, se di un dove possiamo parlare - quindi non c'era alcun motivo di modificare quel dialogo: l'avrebbe riportato fedelmente. Così decise Doppiovubi.
Dio se ne stava sdraiato per terra, a pancia in su, con le mani dietro alla nuca a mo' di cuscino (n.d.c.: ovviamente Dio non ha pancia, né mani, né nuca, nel senso che non è materializzato in esse, ma così si mostrò alla nostra vista in quel frangente, questo ormai dovrebbe esservi chiaro).
Teneva gli occhi placidamente socchiusi.
Gesù gli si avvicinò senza fare rumore, ben conoscendo, tuttavia, che suo padre not only knew he was there and that was approaching, but he also knew what had come to ask him, what he would have said that there would be reactions, as reported on the blog would Doppiovubi dialogue, the reaction would have been the Doppiovubi of blog readers - that is the fact that some would not understand and others would have understood, and agreed, but soon forgotten - and all the other consequences until the end of time (as we now know well, unknown to Jesus moment on basis of the pact signed with his irresponsible father). The trouble of having to do with an omniscient being, and their frustration was precisely in this, those feelings of worthlessness and helplessness derivanti dalla predeterminazione di ogni evento. Una volta Dio gli aveva detto, Figliolo – quando andavano d'amore e d'accordo il padre usava il diminutivo – Figliolo, tu comunque, quando parli con me, mantieni sempre la libertà di dirmi quello che vuoi, D'accordo, padre, ma se tu sai già che cosa dirò, che libertà è mai questa, il dialogo è falsato, Sbagli figliolo, io se voglio posso sospendere la mia onniscienza, anche questa prerogativa fa parte della mia onnipotenza, e riservarmi così la sorpresa di scoprire quello che stai per dirmi, Padre, questo significa che esiste un luogo in cui quello che non ho ancora detto esiste già, e infatti tu dici che lo scoprirai semplicemente, e non che sarò I decide on the scope, meaning and consistency, son, there are things that still can not know, Father, you know ... I can not tolerate, Son! Do not forget who you're talking about! In those cases, Jesus planted there, but could not help but think that his father had also expected that specific box, and then also predicted that specific closing argument, and this embittered him even more: he seemed to be taken around. Then the two made peace and everything is as before, at least for a while '(ndc: as the reader will remember from reading the last post, that Jesus rebuked his father, he did it quietly and plenty of others, and this as compared to ordinary mortals, had a particular option, but limited to the essentials in the kingdom of heaven, to God's plan).
Jesus came to his father and waited until he / she perceived the presence (already perceived as always, see above).
Tell me, son.
Father, the first thing I would ask you to suspend your omniscience, as you say from now on.
Son, you know that time is not here, does not even exist in the future, so there is no need for me to suspend my knowledge of what you're going to tell me, because everything has already happened.
Father, if we start it, walk away.
Va bene, figliolo, sospendo la mia conoscenza, parla pure: sei libero di decidere lo svolgersi del nostro colloquio.
Gesù mantenne un certo scetticismo, acuito da quell'ultima precisazione, del tutto inutile e che quindi suonava abbastanza falsa; tenne a bada la propria irritazione e proseguì.
Padre, gli uomini soffrono.
Lo so.
Non solo soffrono, ma altresì sanno di soffrire.
So anche questo.
Padre, alle volte penso che dovremmo dare a loro una spiegazione del perché debbano soffrire.
Dio tacque.
Molti di loro, Padre, pervengono alla conclusione secondo cui la vita non è degna di essere vissuta. Alcuni – Gesù chinò la testa e strinse gli occhi per il Pain - some ... kill themselves.
God nodded.
and do not know, Father, where does evil, those who caused their pain. In some cases they think it is your fault. Other times they think you do not even exist.
God turned his head and looked at the skyline.
Father, you should give them a full explanation, and I can be through.
No, son.
If only they understood the reason ...
No, son.
would be enough to have an explanation for the pain, and perhaps the pain becomes bearable.
No, son.
Jesus sat cross-legged and wept.
God himself sat cross-legged in front of him, and said
However, my son, I can tell you something. It's up to you, then decide how to bring men, and to what extent.
Jesus smiled and listened attentively.
see, my son, it is true, the man suffers. And suffering is not a good thing. Pain is not a good thing. Man, when he suffers, has two paths ahead. The first way is to live with him and bringing him in that pain, becoming in some way accompanied by the pain.
Yes, my father, many men live with the pain: complaining, with oneself and with others, feed on their pain, they do grow.
Exactly, my son, and so transmit it to others. A mother sees her son sorry, can not do not be sad. A father sees his son sorry, can not but be saddened. And here God
stroked his son, and got a tear on the face of God, because he knew the fate of his son.
pain, my son, is thus transmitted, and grows and feeds. So he works, and you know who I mean. And 'his specialty: the growing pain.
I know, father.
Well, men have another way to go. Break this vicious chain of pain and transform pain into love. You can not love your neighbor if you are grieving. It 's impossible. And, if you are grieving, it means that you do not love. This is very important, my son: if you are hurt, you're not loving.
I understand, Father.
The men, if they want to love, must put aside their grief. Otherwise, it will only perpetuate the tears of suffering.
But how can you put aside your pain? How, father?
do not need any effort, son. I made sure that spontaneously and naturally, love erase pain, as the light clears the darkness. E 'enough love. And love, just like pain, is transmitted in accordance with the law of cause and effect.
I understand, Father.
Understand this: If you love your neighbor, if you truly love your neighbor, you can not be unhappy. There are two subjective states are incompatible. How do you plan to send men to these words, affinché le comprendano?
Non so, padre. Forse - mi viene ora quest'idea - cercherò di far capire agli uomini che, se vogliono essere felici, devono amare il loro prossimo, proprio come amano loro stessi.
Molti, figliolo, non amano nemmeno loro stessi, è un enunciato pericoloso.
Padre, non avevi detto che...
Sì, sì, figlio mio. Decidi tu. Va bene.
Doppiovubi, nella sua cucina, spense la radio a cubo Brionvega. Il GR1 era terminato. Pensò alla giornata che lo attendeva.
Si fece buio in volto. Era preda dell’ansia e dell’amarezza.
La sua bambina, che tra non molto avrebbe compiuto i due anni, si avvicinò a lui, gli sorrise e gli disse Papà, e gli tirò i pantaloni, per condurlo a sfogliare insieme il libro dei Barbapapà.
Lui la guardò e con un mezzo sorriso le disse, vengo, adesso vengo.
La bambina capì che il suo papà non era felice.
La bambina, che poco prima era felice, si sedette per terra, di fianco a lui, e smise di essere felice.
(Nota del curatore del blog: sembrano essere passati duecentosedici giorni dall’ultimo post, ma, in realtà, non è trascorso che un fugace istante. Come il lettore tra breve constaterà, alcuni importanti protagonisti del post che segue non appartengono a questo mondo, quindi il concetto di tempo non è applicabile. Almeno, per quanto li riguarda).
Mentre Doppiovubi ritornava a catapulta nella sua cucina, e si chiedeva con notevolissima perplessità – fissando con sguardo da suricato la radio a cubo Brionvega, di colore rossastro sbiadito, che ancora trasmetteva dal canale Rai notizie addomesticate – se, alternativamente, avesse sognato o, peggio, fosse impazzito o, peggio ancora, fosse stato tutto vero, e mentre appunto il disorientato Doppiovubi si chiedeva tutto questo, Gesù – pungolato proprio dalle domande del nostro, diciamo così, eroe - decise di recarsi da suo padre a sottoporgli una questione molto importante.
In effetti, si deve sapere che Gesù, sebbene innanzi ai (comuni) mortali palesasse un’estrema sicurezza di sè, viveva attanagliato da dubbi di ogni sorta in ordine alla sua missione terrena, perché suo padre - ormai era chiaro - gli aveva sempre tenute nascoste parti essenziali of the overall project. Jesus could not tolerate, and even had come to believe that his father never trusted him. Precisely for this reason, when father and son had quarreled bitterly, was when the disciples had asked Jesus when the end times would come and he could hardly hold back the blush that suffused her face, staying faithful to the principle of truth had been forced to respond that only his Father knew, that the disciples were amazed and watched one of them - no names here, that's not really the case - he had even given the elbow to another, and Jesus had noticed this blinking, and hence clumsily pretended not to notice, and the disciple who had winked he realized that Jesus had noticed, in short, a complete disaster, a severe blow to its credibility structured so patiently over many years of preaching, and fortune that none of this was leaked in the written word, if not the dry and cryptic statement of Jesus (ndc: the reader well ask where on earth they come from apocryphal confidential information, which seem to border on blasphemy, the editor of the blog reserves the right to reveal her sources - possibly - in an upcoming post in any case, the sources will be announced at the end of time). As we said, shortly after, the skies, a furious argument broke out this time because his son did not want listen to reason and demanded trust. Father, if you do not trust me, you could also avoid sending men, son, you know I'm slow to anger, but be careful not to take advantage, and so on. Finally he found a compromise: God promised to his son that he would reveal every detail of the plan, but only after his earthly death. Jesus, a little 'naively accepted the transaction and quiet, except to understand, unfortunately too late - but the agreements are respected, especially when one party is omnipotent - that the question that he was anxious and even more pained him, or the 'essential theme of lack of trust of a father to his son, had been completely unresolved.
Ordunque, back to us. The material form of Jesus out of sight, under the sycamore tree, just a little sheep became aware of the phenomenon and fled to a forest stand, and terrified bleating.
Jesus stood before the father so, in the kingdom of heaven.
It was exactly at this point in history that Doppiovubi wondered whether it was right or not to reduce humanity to the holy figures, as if they were gods of Olympus, thus risking the farce. Then he said, the man can not rely only to symbols, that is, understanding tools that are compatible with his material condition and over. Over all, the dialogue was set to happen really - if the occurrence, e quindi di divenire, possiamo parlare in un luogo immutabile ed eterno, se di luogo possiamo parlare dove non esiste materia, se di un dove possiamo parlare - quindi non c'era alcun motivo di modificare quel dialogo: l'avrebbe riportato fedelmente. Così decise Doppiovubi.
Dio se ne stava sdraiato per terra, a pancia in su, con le mani dietro alla nuca a mo' di cuscino (n.d.c.: ovviamente Dio non ha pancia, né mani, né nuca, nel senso che non è materializzato in esse, ma così si mostrò alla nostra vista in quel frangente, questo ormai dovrebbe esservi chiaro).
Teneva gli occhi placidamente socchiusi.
Gesù gli si avvicinò senza fare rumore, ben conoscendo, tuttavia, che suo padre not only knew he was there and that was approaching, but he also knew what had come to ask him, what he would have said that there would be reactions, as reported on the blog would Doppiovubi dialogue, the reaction would have been the Doppiovubi of blog readers - that is the fact that some would not understand and others would have understood, and agreed, but soon forgotten - and all the other consequences until the end of time (as we now know well, unknown to Jesus moment on basis of the pact signed with his irresponsible father). The trouble of having to do with an omniscient being, and their frustration was precisely in this, those feelings of worthlessness and helplessness derivanti dalla predeterminazione di ogni evento. Una volta Dio gli aveva detto, Figliolo – quando andavano d'amore e d'accordo il padre usava il diminutivo – Figliolo, tu comunque, quando parli con me, mantieni sempre la libertà di dirmi quello che vuoi, D'accordo, padre, ma se tu sai già che cosa dirò, che libertà è mai questa, il dialogo è falsato, Sbagli figliolo, io se voglio posso sospendere la mia onniscienza, anche questa prerogativa fa parte della mia onnipotenza, e riservarmi così la sorpresa di scoprire quello che stai per dirmi, Padre, questo significa che esiste un luogo in cui quello che non ho ancora detto esiste già, e infatti tu dici che lo scoprirai semplicemente, e non che sarò I decide on the scope, meaning and consistency, son, there are things that still can not know, Father, you know ... I can not tolerate, Son! Do not forget who you're talking about! In those cases, Jesus planted there, but could not help but think that his father had also expected that specific box, and then also predicted that specific closing argument, and this embittered him even more: he seemed to be taken around. Then the two made peace and everything is as before, at least for a while '(ndc: as the reader will remember from reading the last post, that Jesus rebuked his father, he did it quietly and plenty of others, and this as compared to ordinary mortals, had a particular option, but limited to the essentials in the kingdom of heaven, to God's plan).
Jesus came to his father and waited until he / she perceived the presence (already perceived as always, see above).
Tell me, son.
Father, the first thing I would ask you to suspend your omniscience, as you say from now on.
Son, you know that time is not here, does not even exist in the future, so there is no need for me to suspend my knowledge of what you're going to tell me, because everything has already happened.
Father, if we start it, walk away.
Va bene, figliolo, sospendo la mia conoscenza, parla pure: sei libero di decidere lo svolgersi del nostro colloquio.
Gesù mantenne un certo scetticismo, acuito da quell'ultima precisazione, del tutto inutile e che quindi suonava abbastanza falsa; tenne a bada la propria irritazione e proseguì.
Padre, gli uomini soffrono.
Lo so.
Non solo soffrono, ma altresì sanno di soffrire.
So anche questo.
Padre, alle volte penso che dovremmo dare a loro una spiegazione del perché debbano soffrire.
Dio tacque.
Molti di loro, Padre, pervengono alla conclusione secondo cui la vita non è degna di essere vissuta. Alcuni – Gesù chinò la testa e strinse gli occhi per il Pain - some ... kill themselves.
God nodded.
and do not know, Father, where does evil, those who caused their pain. In some cases they think it is your fault. Other times they think you do not even exist.
God turned his head and looked at the skyline.
Father, you should give them a full explanation, and I can be through.
No, son.
If only they understood the reason ...
No, son.
would be enough to have an explanation for the pain, and perhaps the pain becomes bearable.
No, son.
Jesus sat cross-legged and wept.
God himself sat cross-legged in front of him, and said
However, my son, I can tell you something. It's up to you, then decide how to bring men, and to what extent.
Jesus smiled and listened attentively.
see, my son, it is true, the man suffers. And suffering is not a good thing. Pain is not a good thing. Man, when he suffers, has two paths ahead. The first way is to live with him and bringing him in that pain, becoming in some way accompanied by the pain.
Yes, my father, many men live with the pain: complaining, with oneself and with others, feed on their pain, they do grow.
Exactly, my son, and so transmit it to others. A mother sees her son sorry, can not do not be sad. A father sees his son sorry, can not but be saddened. And here God
stroked his son, and got a tear on the face of God, because he knew the fate of his son.
pain, my son, is thus transmitted, and grows and feeds. So he works, and you know who I mean. And 'his specialty: the growing pain.
I know, father.
Well, men have another way to go. Break this vicious chain of pain and transform pain into love. You can not love your neighbor if you are grieving. It 's impossible. And, if you are grieving, it means that you do not love. This is very important, my son: if you are hurt, you're not loving.
I understand, Father.
The men, if they want to love, must put aside their grief. Otherwise, it will only perpetuate the tears of suffering.
But how can you put aside your pain? How, father?
do not need any effort, son. I made sure that spontaneously and naturally, love erase pain, as the light clears the darkness. E 'enough love. And love, just like pain, is transmitted in accordance with the law of cause and effect.
I understand, Father.
Understand this: If you love your neighbor, if you truly love your neighbor, you can not be unhappy. There are two subjective states are incompatible. How do you plan to send men to these words, affinché le comprendano?
Non so, padre. Forse - mi viene ora quest'idea - cercherò di far capire agli uomini che, se vogliono essere felici, devono amare il loro prossimo, proprio come amano loro stessi.
Molti, figliolo, non amano nemmeno loro stessi, è un enunciato pericoloso.
Padre, non avevi detto che...
Sì, sì, figlio mio. Decidi tu. Va bene.
Doppiovubi, nella sua cucina, spense la radio a cubo Brionvega. Il GR1 era terminato. Pensò alla giornata che lo attendeva.
Si fece buio in volto. Era preda dell’ansia e dell’amarezza.
La sua bambina, che tra non molto avrebbe compiuto i due anni, si avvicinò a lui, gli sorrise e gli disse Papà, e gli tirò i pantaloni, per condurlo a sfogliare insieme il libro dei Barbapapà.
Lui la guardò e con un mezzo sorriso le disse, vengo, adesso vengo.
La bambina capì che il suo papà non era felice.
La bambina, che poco prima era felice, si sedette per terra, di fianco a lui, e smise di essere felice.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Best Browser For Xp Home?
January 1, 2011 - Estonia
Dal 1° gennaio 2011 l'Estonia sarà il 15° paese ad avere l'euro e a far parte dello spazio Schengen. Insomma il Paese Baltico dalla lingua peculiare (fa parte della famiglia ugro-finnica insieme con il finlandese e l'ungherese/magiaro) entrerà a far parte del "cerchio più interno" dell'Unione Europea (cfr. il mio knol: o la mia sezione "Curiosità" sull'articolo "Cooperazione rafforzata" di wikipedia: )
Dal 1° gennaio 2011 l'Estonia sarà il 15° paese ad avere l'euro e a far parte dello spazio Schengen. Insomma il Paese Baltico dalla lingua peculiare (fa parte della famiglia ugro-finnica insieme con il finlandese e l'ungherese/magiaro) entrerà a far parte del "cerchio più interno" dell'Unione Europea (cfr. il mio knol: o la mia sezione "Curiosità" sull'articolo "Cooperazione rafforzata" di wikipedia: )
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